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Sat October 28, 2023 Peoria, IL 61604 US Directions

First Aid Station

Minimum met, 4 volunteer spots remaining.


Volunteers at the First Aid Station will tend to participants with minor injuries. Including minor cuts and abrasions. First Aid Volunteers will need to be certified in first aid.

First Aid Station volunteers will meet Emily (Heartland Health Services) at the Registration/Check-In Tent located in Davison-Fulton Woodland parking lot by the gate into the cemetery at 10:00am to receive their credentials.


There will be 2 First Aid Stations. One station will be located at the 1/2-mile marker of the walk. The other station will be located at the end of the walk in Davison-Fulton Woodland parking lot by the gate into the cemetery and by the activities and games.


October 28, 2023


There will two tables at the Registration Tent. One for pre-registered walk participants to check-in and receive their wristband. And one for day-of registration to participate in the walk.

Registration/Check-In volunteers will meet Emily (Heartland Health Services) at the Registration/Check-In Tent located in Davison-Fulton Woodland parking lot by the gate into the cemetery at 10:00am to receive their credentials.


The Registration/Check-In Tent will be located in Davison-Fulton Woodland parking lot by the gate into the cemetery.

'Walk' Clean Up Crew

October 28, 2023


The 'Walk' Clean Up Crew will go through the walk route, pick up any trash from walkers, gather DDLM yard signs along the route, pick up directional signs/stickers along the route, pick up 1/4-mile sponsor signage and decor, and pick up 1/2-mile first aid station. After the walk route is all picked up, the Walk Clean Up Crew will bring the items to the Registration/Check-In Tent.

The 'Walk' Clean Up Crew will meet Emily (Heartland Health Services) at the Registration/Check-In Tent located in Davison-Fulton Woodland parking lot by the gate into the cemetery at 11:45am to receive their credentials.


The 'Walk' Clean Up Crew will pick up the walk route at Parkview Cemetery.

'Event' Clean Up Crew

October 28, 2023


In the activities space, the 'Event' Clean Up Crew will pick up any trash and discard it into trash receptacles.

When the event is over, 'Event' Clean Up Crew will help gather remaining event signage in the activities space, gather tables and chairs and assist with putting them away. Assistance may be needed to help bring games inside and packing up canopy tents.

'Event' Clean Up Crew will check-in with Emily at the Registration/Check-In Tent at 12:30pm to receive their credentials.


The 'Event' Clean Up Crew will meet Emily (Heartland Health Services) at the Registration/Check-In Tent located in Davison-Fulton Woodland parking lot by the gate into the cemetery.

Event Set Up Crew

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Walk Set Up Crew members will go through the walk route and 1) place sponsor yard signs at designated locations, 2) place directional stickers along route, 3) set up 1/4-mile sponsor signage and decor, 4) set up 1/2-mile first aid station.

Event Set Up Crew members put up the canopy tents for Registration/Check-In and First Aid Station, along with tables, chairs, signage and activities directional signage. Event Set Up Crew members will also put together the community ofrenda.

Event Set Up Crew will meet Emily (Heartland Health Services) in the Davison-Fulton Woodland parking lot by the gate into the cemetery at 8:00am to receive their credentials and instructions.


Event Set Up Crew will meet Emily (Heartland Health Services) in the Davison-Fulton Woodland parking lot by the gate into the cemetery.


At least 1 more volunteer needed.


After the walk there will be family friendly games and activities in the space between Imago Dei Church and Davison-Fulton Woodland Funeral Home. Activities include bouncy castle, face painting and crafts/coloring station. Games include yard yahtzee and giant Jenga.


Space between Imago Dei Church and Davison-Fulton Woodland Funeral Home

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