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The Snake 10-Mile Trail Race

Sat July 20, 2024 Lawrence, KS 66049 US Directions

Course Marking Wednesday Snakes Medium Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Sorry for not getting this changed in time.The course marking will be on Thursday noon. We'll get it done in one fell swoop. Thanks


Army Corps. of Engineers parking lot

Course Marking Thursday Snakes Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Planting flags and signs; lopping; trash pick-up, test-running. Meet at Corps of Engineers parking lot, noon, Thursday, July 18.


Corps of Engineers parking lot.

Course Marshal Snakes High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Ensure runners get on the right trails at tricky trail intersections, and answer the inevitable questions about "how far." Not to worry, you'll have that info. Please bring a camp chair, water, and bug spray. Arrive by 6 am, so the RD can get you in place and briefed.

First Aid Snakes High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


ActiveNeed: two Snakes to help RD Eric Deeter in providing First-Aid if needed. Red Cross certification is the minimum requirement. Would LOVE to have a few medical pros to hang out at HQ and the Lands End aid station to watch for heat exhaustion, bloody knees and other hazards of technical trail running in the heat.


Start/Finish & Land's End

Race Day Check-In Snakes High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Be at Race HQ at 6 am. to check runners in and give them their race swag & bibs. Also will help any runners signing up at the last minute to receive payment, assign them a race bib number, and record their info on the check-in list.

Race HQ Chef Snakes High Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Chef Snakes organize and prep the watermelon feast and other snacks for easy access by tired, hungry, thirsty runners, post-race, including a big ice-cooler of drinks, and putting out paper towels, plastic-ware and plates if you think they’re needed (they’ll be on hand). Also post-race food clean-up, though everyone can help with that. Help break down and pack up, post race. Please arrive by 6:30 am, in time to see, but not distract from the race start.

Land's End Aid Station High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


LE aid station jobs include setting up and breaking down the station and getting gear back to Start/Finish; feeding and watering runners; minor first-aid duties. Keep track/count of runners through the aid station. Arrive at HQ Start/Finish by 5:30 am to pick up aid station gear and supplies, and trundle out to LE to set up the den.

Roughneck / Roustabout High Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


A roughneck is a person who doesn't have a specific task but rather looks for places where help is needed and steps in to get things done or avert disaster. The roughneck then steps back and looks for the next place he or she is needed. Forget whatever connations you might have had about a roughneck being surly and rough. The real roughnecks are the ones who serve the best!

Safety Sweep Snake High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


This is NOT the course cleaner. The Safety Sweep Snakes start from Lands End and they follow the last runner back to the finish line. Along the way, the Safety Sweep Snakes let the Course Marshals know the last runner has gone by, and they should return to HQ to join the watermelon feast already in progress. The Safety Sweep Snakes communicates by phone any problems encountered on the way back, from down trees to down runners. would love to have 2 volunteers, but can do with one.

Photographer Snake High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Some say that if it's not on social media (or Strava) it didn't happen. The Photographer Snake will assure that we have images of runners and volunteers doing their thing. This person will need a vehicle and be willing to stand beside the trail as runners pass. Volunteers for this task will need a vehicle and some familiarity with the park and trails.

Timers High Priority

Minimum met, 2 volunteer spots remaining.


This role involves watching and recording times as runners cross the finish line.

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