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Blasting off with Incredible Kids

Sat September 21, 2024 Denham Springs, LA 70726 US Directions

Information Booth

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Information booth volunteers should have excellent customer service skills since they will be one of the first points of contact that people will encounter. Their job will be to provide people with any printed informational material you might have, to answer questions, or point them in the right direction.

Water Stations

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Water station volunteers will be responsible for handing out water to the racers so they can hydrate before, during, and after the race. This will help prevent heat-stroke and help keep your racers happy and healthy. If your supply permits, the water station could also be used for other participants and attendees.

Course Marshal

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Course marshals will be responsible for remaining near the track to keep racers on course and offering them encouragement. Ideally, they'll be positioned at a point in the race where the racers will start to tire or want to quit.


At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Post-race volunteers will be responsible for handing out any metals or rewards, collecting race chips, and distributing food and water. Their jobs are to handle the events that take place after the race is completed and before the tear-down and clean-up phase.


At least 1 more volunteer needed.


The floater will be the person who can 'bounce' around between the volunteers and offer extra help and assistance. This could include being the person who can take over a volunteer's position if someone doesn't show up. Be sure to recruit a high proportion of floaters during the busiest times of your event to ensure you'll have enough staff to keep everything (and everyone) running smoothly.

Course Marshal


At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Event photographers will capture every aspect of your event, giving event participants and volunteers more to remember.

Jambalaya table

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


preparing and selling plates of jam

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