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Run Into Summer/Blueberry Pie 5K, 1 Mile, Pie Eating Contest

Sat June 28, 2025 Osterville, MA 02655 US

Course Marshal High Priority

At least 8 more volunteers needed.


Help put on this great event. You'll be assigned a corner and you'll direct the runners. Its an important duty that allows the event to take place safely. You'll need to be in position by 9:15 and be wrapped up by 10:45. Thanks!

Runner Registration High Priority

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Checking in pre-registered and signing up day of registrations

Parking Management

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Directing cars onto field for parking

Lead Bike Rider

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Ride out in front of fastest runners. Circle back after fast group finishes and escort slower runners through course.

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