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Harbor Point

Start & Finish Line

At least 17 more volunteers needed.


Shift Time is 6:30AM to 12:00PM
Check-in at the volunteer check-in table by 6:30AM (allow extra time to park).

Volunteers may be asked to:
- assist with setting up the start or finish area
- direct participants to their start corrals and move them forward as the race begins.
- direct runners through the finish chute and hand out water and medals.
- set up and distribute post-race snacks
- clean up finish line area and check-out with CCR team lead.

Please note your volunteer assignment may change on race day, we will do our best to make any accommodations.


Harbor Point
1310 Point Street
Baltimore, MD 21231

Bag Check

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Shift Time is 6:30AM to 12:00PM

Check-in at the volunteer table by 6:30AM (allow extra time to park).

Assist runners with tagging, dropping off, and retrieving their bags. Bags will be tagged with the runner's bib number and may only be returned to the runner with the matching number.

Please note your volunteer assignment may change on race day, we will do our best to make any accommodations.


Harbor Point
1310 Point Street
Baltimore, MD 21231

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Shift Time is 8:00AM to 11:00AM

Check-in at the volunteer table by 8:00AM (roads will close at 8:20, so please allow time to park and walk to Harbor Point).

Assist runners with redeeming beer tags.

Must be 21+ for this task.

Please note your volunteer assignment may change on race day, we will do our best to make any accommodations.


Harbor Point
1310 Point Street
Baltimore, MD 21231

Packet Pickup

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Approximate shift time 6:00AM to 9:00AM

Assist with handing out race shirts, and directing runners to the start line for the race. Please allow extra time to find parking.


Harbor Point
1310 Point Street
Baltimore, MD 21231

On Course

Course Marshal

At least 29 more volunteers needed.


Shift Time is 7:00AM to 11:00AM

Check-in at the volunteer table by 7:00AM (allow extra time to park). After check-in, you will be shuttled out or can walk out to your location.
During race: cheer on participants and direct them around the course.

Please note your volunteer assignment may change on race day, we will do our best to make any accommodations.


Harbor Point
1310 Point Street
Baltimore, MD 21231

Water Stop # 1 - near the Science Center - Brown Advisory volunteers

At least 7 more volunteers needed.


**Brown Advisory volunteers sign up here please**

Approximate shift time 7:45AM to 10:30AM

Set up the water stop, fill water cups, hand out water to participants during the event, and cleanup the station once last participant passes through.

Location to be communicated once the course map is finalized.


Located near the intersection of Light and Lee Streets.
Exact address will be sent in pre-race volunteer email

Water Stop # 2 - Patterson Park

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Approximate shift time 8:00AM to 11:00AM

Set up the water stop, fill water cups, hand out water to participants during the event, and cleanup the station once last participant passes through.

Location to be communicated once the course map is finalized.


Located near the intersection of Patterson and Lombard Streets
Exact address will be sent in pre-race volunteer email

Patterson Park Course Marshals - TU Women's Club Soccer

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


**Towson University Women's Club Soccer volunteers sign up here please**

Approximate shift time 8:00AM to 11:00AM

Meet CCR course team at the entrance to Patterson Park (exact location to be communicated) for final instructions. During the race, cheer participants on and direct them through the course section within the park.


Meet near the intersection of Patterson and Lombard Streets
Exact address will be sent in pre-race volunteer email

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