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Frederick Summer Solstice 8K

Saturday, June 14, 2025 Directions

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Registration/Packet Pickup/Shirts

Packet Pickup at Charm City

June 12, 2025


Check in runners and distribute bibs/shirts to runners.

Race Night Bib/Shirt Pickup

June 14, 2025


Prep and distribute race bibs and t-shirts to pre-registered runners.
**This task would allow runners who are interested in volunteering to run the race as well!

Shirt Exchange Table

June 14, 2025


Exchange shirts for runners who could not obtain the correct size at registration and packet pickup.

Course Operations

Course Marshal

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Meet up with Course Marshal Lead to receive assignment and instructions. Proceed to assigned location to direct and cheer runners along the course.

Parking Coordinator

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Supervise parking volunteers

Parking Team

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Direct traffic to designated parking locations. Direct traffic in and out of parking areas to maintain flow. Direct traffic away from front lot.

Lead Biker

June 14, 2025


Lead front runners along the race course

8K Sweeper

June 14, 2025


Stay with the last runner throughout the 8K race. Alert water stop volunteers, traffic control, and course marshals that there are no other runners. Encourage runners at the "back of the pack"!

Transport traffic cones to/from race venue

June 14, 2025


Racine Multisports is marking the course this year, but FSRC is supplying the traffic cones. We need someone with a truck to pick up the cones from the FSRC storage unit and deliver them to the race venue and then return them to storage after the race.
The timing is somewhat flexible - it's even possible that the cones could be dropped off on Friday if that helps. We just need to make sure that they are onsite by Saturday late afternoon and removed from the race venue Saturday night after the race.

Resources Needed

Truck - 1+

Fun Run/Walk Sweeper

June 14, 2025


Walk at the back of the Fun Run/Walk and alert the course marshal volunteer at the turnaround and the timer at the finish line.


ID Check at Packet Pickup

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Prior to the race, verify runners' age (21 or older) and give them their beer bracelet.

Non-Alcoholic Server

June 14, 2025


Distribute non-alcoholic drinks to guests.
This task does not require any certification.

Garden Entrance-Exit

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Enforce that no alcohol is carried outside the beer garden.

Beer Garden Server (AA certified)

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Hold a current Frederick County Alcohol Awareness (AA) certificate or willing to take the online class. FSRC will pay the fee for the training.
Pop open beer cans and serve to guests.

Drink Restock Support

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Work on the beer team restocking serving tables and circulating garden scanning for wristband violations. Only those individuals wearing wristbands may consume beer.

Beer Garden - Crowd Certified Team

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Have completed or be willing to complete the online crowd manager training program. This certification will equip you to provide a safe atmosphere for guests attending. In case of emergency you will direct an orderly manner for evacuation.
On race day, be available to control the crowd in case of an emergency.

Water Stops

Water Stop Captain

June 14, 2025


Pickup the water stop supplies from the race venue and deliver to the three water stops ahead of the race. Pickup the leftover supplies and trash at the end and bring it back to the race venue.

During the race, be available to shuttle supplies between water stops if there are issues with availability.

Water Stop Coordinator #1 at Glade Elementary School

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Set up water station and supervise distribution of water to runners.
Clean up area at the completion of the race.

Water Stop #1 at Glade Elementary School

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Volunteers will set up and take down the water station at Glade Elementary School, and hand out water to runners. Registered volunteers must be 16 or older. Younger volunteers are welcome to accompany registered volunteers.
Volunteers do NOT need to check in first at race venue.

Water Stop #2 Coordinator at Heritage Farm Park

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Set up water station and supervise distribution of water to runners.
Clean up water station after the completion of the race.

Water Stop #2 at Heritage Farm Park

June 14, 2025


*Reserved for Blessings in a Backpack volunteers*
Volunteers will set up and take down the water stop at Heritage Farm Park, and hand out water to runners. Registered volunteers must be 16 or older. Younger volunteers are welcome to accompany registered volunteers.
Volunteers do NOT need to check in first at race venue.

Water Stop #3 Coordinator at Creamery Park

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Set up water station and supervise distribution of water to runners.
Clean up water station after the completion of the race.

Water Stop #3 at Creamery Park

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Volunteers will set up and take down the water stations, and hand out water to runners. Registered volunteers must be 16 or older. Younger volunteers are welcome to accompany registered volunteers.
Volunteers do NOT need to check in first at race venue.

Finish Line

Finish Line Water, Food, and Cooling Towel Setup, Distribution, and Teardown

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 14, 2025


Prepare/Setup finish line with bottled water, food, and cooling towels, then distribute to runners after they cross the finish line. After last runner comes through, tear down the setup and return items to the Activities building and celebration area.
One volunteer with a pickup truck would be really useful for setup/teardown.

Awards Distribution

June 14, 2025


Organize and monitor awards table. Distribute awards as directed by race director

Venue Setup/Teardown

Set out advance yard signs

June 11, 2025


Put out yard signs that warn residents of upcoming road closures

Set Up Team

June 14, 2025


Set up tables and chairs, signs and banners, beer garden fencing, and other materials at race site. Help the distributor to park the beer trailer. **This task would allow runners who are interested in volunteering to run the race as well!

Tear Down Team

June 14, 2025


Tear down and store signage and banner, tables, beer garden fencing and other materials. Do final collection and disposal of trash from barrels. **This task would allow runners who are interested in volunteering to run the race as well!


Photographer - Start/Finish Line

June 14, 2025


Take photos of the race start and as many runners as possible as they cross the finish line.


Sponsor Host

June 14, 2025


Organize, guide, and assist sponsors in setting up and throughout the race as needed

Race Night Volunteer Check-In

June 14, 2025


Staff the Volunteer Check-In Table on race night. Check-in the race day volunteers, give out shirts and beer tickets, direct them to assignments.
Reassign volunteers, as needed, to handle no-shows and walk-ins.

Sing the National Anthem

June 14, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Sing the National Anthem at the start of the race

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