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Healthy Kids Running Series Spring 2025 - Caledonia, MI

5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1 & 6/8 Rain Date: 6/15 Caledonia, MI 49316 US Directions

HKRS Caledonia, MI Volunteer

This volunteer task is full.


Come join the fun spreading the Healthy Kids mission to our community! Volunteers are needed for 5 race days to assist in a variety of simple tasks. The local Community Coordinator will send details via email as the race gets closer.

Tasks may include but are not limited to: Setting up the race course, stretching the runners, course marshaling to guide runners in the right direction, assisting in the finish line chute, timing races, recording times, holding the finish line for the runners, and breaking down the course upon the conclusion of the race.

This is a fun and rewarding event that benefits our local community! Community service hours and signed papers are available upon request. Thank you for your interest in helping our community and fostering a healthy lifestyle for today's youth!

Pre-K 2/3 year old Group Leader

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Help at the starting line to make sure the runners are prepared to race. (bibs on and filled out, etc)

Pre-K 4/5 year old Group Leader

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Help at the starting line to make sure the runners are prepared to race. (bibs on and filled out, etc)

K/1st Grade - 1/4 Mile Group Leader

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Help at the starting line to make sure the runners are prepared to race. (bibs on and filled out, etc)

2nd/3rd Grade - 1/2 Mile Group Leader

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Help at the starting line to make sure the runners are prepared to race. (bibs on and filled out, etc)

4th-8th Grade - 1 Mile Group Leader

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Help at the starting line to make sure the runners are prepared to race. (bibs on and filled out, etc)

Course Marshal

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Stand at a particular point in the course to direct runners the correct way.

Finish Line Chute

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Help keep runners in finish order as they come through the finish line chute

Pacer - 1/4 Mile

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Help run with, encourage, and guide kids around the course. Runners of all different pace ranges are needed. :)

Pacer - 1/4 Mile Boys

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Help run with, encourage, and guide kids around the course. Runners of all different pace ranges are needed. :)

Pacer - 1/2 Mile Boys & Girls

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Help run with, encourage, and guide kids around the course. Runners of all different pace ranges are needed. :)

Pacer - 1 Mile Boys & Girls

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Help run with, encourage, and guide kids around the course. Runners of all different pace ranges are needed. :)

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