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Fri February 16, 2024 Minneapolis, MN 55422 US

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Guide-Classic Skiing

February 16, 2024


Guide classic skiers around the Lake of the Isles/Channel/Cedar/Brownie

Guide-Skate Skiing

February 16, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Guide skate skiers around the Lake of the Isles/Channel/Cedar/Brownie


February 16, 2024


Guide walkers around the Lake of the Isles, point out skyline, famous homes

Pre-GlowSki Volunteering

Luminary Bucket Filling 'Freezing' High Priority

January 19, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Help be part of creating the Luminary magic. We need volunteers to assist in filling buckets that will become the ice luminaries for the Luminary Loppet. This task will involve working with water on ice so dress accordingly. As well this task involves filling and carrying buckets of water. For more information please contact Jim Young at Note: This is the same volunteer activity as you would do for the Luminary Loppet. We are participating in this event so we can have some luminaries to use during the Glow Ski. If you are already volunteering for this event and are interested in helping make sure we have some luminaries for the glow ski please reach out ( so we know we have some inside volunteers.


Meet at Lake of the Isles - Near the canoe (boat) launch.
Penn Ave South and W. Lake of the Isles Parkway

Bring Fire Pit

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Commit to providing a fire pit for use during the Glow Ski; a Glow Ski organizer will reach out to arrange pick up and return

Luminary Bucket Filling 'Hatching' High Priority

January 20, 2024


Help be part of creating the Luminary magic. We need volunteers to assist in "hatching" ice luminaries from their buckets for the Luminary Loppet. Volunteers will also drill 4" holes into the luminary forms. This task will involve working with water on ice so dress accordingly. As well it will involve using drills and moving ice forms. For more information please contact Jim Young at
Note: This is the same volunteer activity as you would do for the Luminary Loppet. We are participating in this event so we can have some luminaries to use during the Glow Ski. If you are already volunteering for this event and are interested in helping make sure we have some luminaries for the glow ski please reach out ( so we know we have some inside volunteers.


Meet at Lake of the Isles - Near the canoe (boat) launch.
Penn Ave South and W. Lake of the Isles Parkway


Pre-GlowSki Setup

February 16, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Setup tables, snacks, signs, glowing items

Glow Ski Hospitality

February 16, 2024


Staff snack table, tidy up as necessary, greet visitors and help guide them

Fire Pit

February 16, 2024


Collect stored wood from canoe storage area; Add wood as needed to the fire pits, take down at the end of the night and make sure they get back to those who brought them

Glow Ski Tear Down

February 16, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Collect glow items. Pack up leftover snacks and tables, bring to the car of whoever brought them.

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