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At least 2 more volunteers needed.


To assist with setup, distribution, and break down of refreshment- must be available by 6:30am.


Senior Center


Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Registration volunteers
Man race course, help with walk in registration, give out runner bags and shirts, assist with checking in pre registered runners

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


General duties as required by coordinator

Cheer Station 1 (ZYA/ZMN/Amicae/Advisors)

Minimum met, 5 volunteer spots remaining.


Hype them up! Provide chants, supporting words, etc. to encourage the runners


Start/Finish Line

Water Station 1--Cutoff triangle just before Snowden Lane

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Assist with setup, refill and break down of water stations and handing out water to runner


Sunset Loop and Snowden Lane- Runners need to go left at the fork in the road, then turn right on Snowden Lane.

Cheer Station 2 (ZYA/ZMN/Amicae/Advisors)

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


Make sure 5K runners go left. Unity Walkers go right.


Triangle cutoff between Sunset Loop & Snowden Lane

Cheer Station 3 (ZYA/ZMN/Amicae/Advisors)

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Snowden Lane in front of Snowden House

Cheer Station 4 (ZYA/ZMN/Amicae/Advisors)

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


Make sure 5K runners head north to Pine Tar Alley, then right.
Make sure Unity Walkers turn right to go to the Finish Line.


May Blvd/Snowden Lane

Cheer Station 5 (ZYA/ZMN/Amicae/Advisors)

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


Corner of Snowden Lane & Pine Tar Alley

Cheer Station 6(ZYA/ZMN/Amicae/Advisors)

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


Corner Pine Tar Alley & Freeman Lane

Cheer Sation 7- (ZYA/ZMN/Amicae/Advisors) High Priority

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Don’t let runners use the cutoff. It’s not part of the route.


Freeman Lane (block the cutoff to the baseball fields)You will be at the cutoff that leads back to the baseball fields. Make sure runners know that is closed off. Send them down to the end of Freeman Lane and when they return, they must go back to Pine Tar Alley to get to Snowden Lane.

Water Station 2

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Help with setup. Keep bottles on tables. Make sure area is clean when done. Return table to the center.


Tennis courts on Freeman Lane.

Cheer Station 8 (ZYA/ZMN/Amicae/Advisors)

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


End of Freeman Lane

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