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Run Sunset Beach

Sat April 12, 2025 Sunset Beach, NC 28468 US Directions

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After Party Area

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 12, 2025


This includes various tasks in and around the start/finish line and after party area such as bib pick-up, handing out medals, water, fruit or serving beer and clean-up. We all just pitch in where needed and you will be assigned when you arrive.
*Please follow check-in Instructions and we will see you race morning!.


You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 12, 2025


All Parking Volunteers must check-in, wear a safety vest, use light-up wand & radio and then turn all in when they are finished.
*Please follow check-in Instructions and we will see you race morning!.

Packet Pick-Up

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 11, 2025


This includes various tasks at the Health & Fitness Expo the day before the race such as welcoming runners to Sunset Beach, Packet Pick-up, Parking and directing runners as they arrive.


Sea Trail Convention Center
75A Clubhouse Rd
Sunset Beach, NC 28468

Bag Drop

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


This is located in the Sunset Beach Town Park on Race Morning from 5:15 - 10:45 and you will be responsible for collecting and organizing dropped bags for runners.
*Please follow check-in Instructions and we will see you race morning!.


Flex Crew High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 12, 2025


This is the MVP of the volunteer force! Sadly, we always have a few no shows race morning and we need folks that are willing to go anywhere and do whatever is needed. Must be highly adaptable.
*Please follow check-in Instructions and we will see you race morning!.

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