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Sun August 17, 2025 Avalon, NJ 08202 US Directions

On Water Support for Swimmers- High Priority

At least 28 more volunteers needed.


Kayakers and SUPs needed for 90 minutes of on water support for the swimmers. 30 minutes of open inter coastal waters and then 60 minutes in the back bays. Please select front, middle or back of the packers. Thank you.

CHECK IN AT AYC 7:45-8:30 AM

In water swim start at 1:00 PM On water support meeting at 12:45 PM at the AYC ramp and then get set up on the water prior to the swimmers entering the water.

Volunteers will get a high visibly vest and a rescue whistle for the event. (Please return both post event!) Thank you for helping the swimmers!
Volunteers will be given a finisher's towel in addition to some other race gear. Hoodies, tee shirts, bags, socks post race.


There will be parking for all volunteers at the start and finish at Avalon Yacht Club 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ.
Ramp access to load kayaks and SUPS is on the left of the club lost.
You can park on the back RIGHT side of the lot once entering the AYC.

Resources Needed

Kayak - 15 - 25
SUP - 15 - 25
Paddle - 5+

Registration Set Up/Athlete Check In/Finish/Clean Up Medium Priority

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Help with any or all of the following volunteer tasks:
Registration set up at 6:00-7:00 AM
Assist with Athlete check in 7:00 AM-8:30 AM Greet athletes, confirm bib number, be sure bib number is on the left hand, confirm ICE contact name and number, and medical info and then send to pick up their athlete bag on the upper youth club deck.
Assist as needed while athletes are swimming....timing set up
Help timers record finishers. Ask swimmers to remove their timing chip. Hand out one finisher's towel to each swimmer.
Last swimmers will finish at 10:40 AM
Thank you very much!
Volunteers will be given some event gear post swim.


Avalon Yacht Club 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ

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