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Juneteenth 5K at Brooklyn Bridge Park

Sat June 21, 2025 Brooklyn, NY 11201 US Directions

Course Marshal High Priority

June 22, 2025


For this position you will be assigned a designated area on the course to monitor runners has they navigate the course. Your responsibilities include:
- ensuring that runners are going the right way on the course
- cheer runners on as they pass your area
- alert your VOL lead to a situation on the course (injured runner, course obstruction, etc.)


All volunteers will check-in prior to the race event at a designated area. The location will be provided prior to the event.

Race Set-Up High Priority

June 22, 2025


For this position you will arrive pre-race to assist in setting up the event space and course. Responsibilities include:
- unloading items from the truck
- setting up tents in the event space area
- setting up tables and other items in the event space area
- placing cones and other course delineators out on the course


All volunteers will check-in prior to the race event at a designated area. The location will be provided prior to the event.

Break down High Priority

June 22, 2025


In this position you will assist with breaking down and clearing all race day items from the event space area and course. Your responsibilities include:
- loading all race items onto the truck
- breaking down tents and tables
- removing cones and other delineators from the course


All volunteers will check-in prior to the race event at a designated area. The location will be provided prior to the event.

Water Station High Priority

June 22, 2025


In this position you will manage one of the water stations out on the course. Your responsibilities include:
- setting up the water station prior to the start of the race
- managing the water station throughout the entirety of the race
- periodically clean up your area to ensure that the course is safe for runners
- pack up all water station items at the end and take them to the event space area


All volunteers will check-in prior to the race event at a designated area. The location will be provided prior to the event.

Bag Check High Priority

June 22, 2025


For this position you will be checking-in participants bags and stowing them away in a designated area. Your responsibilities include:
- making sure each bag has attached the bag check tag before taking the item
- watching bags during the entirety of the race
- returning bags to their respective owner


All volunteers will check-in prior to the race event at a designated area. The location will be provided prior to the event.

Registration Tent Medium Priority

June 22, 2025


For this position you will be greeting runners will their bibs and race event shirts. Your responsibilities include:
- assigning bibs to participants using the RACEDAY CheckIn app
- handing out shirts to participants


All volunteers will check-in prior to the race event at a designated area. The location will be provided prior to the event.

Medical Volunteer High Priority

June 22, 2025


For this position you will manage a specific area of the course and respond to any medical related incidents/emergencies.

Position requires updated certification and credentials.


All volunteers will check-in prior to the race event at a designated area. The location will be provided prior to the event.

Post Race Amenities Medium Priority

June 22, 2025


In this position you will provide water and refreshments to runners as they finish the race. Your responsibilities include:
- setting up water/refreshments pre-race
- handing out water/refreshments to the finishers
- breaking down the post race area once the last finisher has come through


All volunteers will check-in prior to the race event at a designated area. The location will be provided prior to the event.

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