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Sat June 7, 2025 Johnstown, OH 43031 US Directions

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June 6

Early Packet Pickup Low Priority

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


3 Hour Time Commitment (4:30pm-6:30pm)

Set up drive through early packet pick up and registration (tents and tables).
Check in racers, pass out t-shirts and swag bags.
Answer questions.
Clean up.



June 7

Race Day Registration Table Medium Priority

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


3 Hour Time Commitment (7:30am-10:30am)

Assist in setting up registration table and volunteer coffee table.

Check-in racers, give T-shirt and swag bag.

Assist with troubleshooting and communications with Race Management Staff.


Put location/address here

Course Marshalls High Priority

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


3 Hour Commitment (8:00-11:00am)

You will be on the 5k/10K course directing runners.
Assist at water stations and first aid communication.


Put location/address here

Vendor Liason Low Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


3 Hour Time Commitment (7:30am-10:30am)

Assist race vendors with booth assignment and setup.
Communicate vendor needs to Race Management Staff.

Finish Line Hand Outs and Awards Presentation Low Priority

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


3.5 Hour Time Commitment (8:00am-11:15am)

Set up finish line tables with after race start.
Congratulate racers as they come through the finish line shoot.
Pass out water, gatorade, and shaker cups

Assist with Award presentation as needed.

Race Photographers & Videographers High Priority

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


3.5 Hour Time Commitment (8:00am-11:00am)

Take pictures and video (camera and drone) at various locations on the race route including downtown race start, TJ Evans Bike Trail, Johnstown High School, Oregon Street, race finish line, and awards ceremony.

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