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Pre-Race Day Activities

Pick Up Rental Truck 2-Days Prior to Race High Priority

April 11, 2025


Pick up and drive rental truck to ORRC storage unit to pick up race equipment and supplies.

Load Race Supplies in Rental Truck High Priority

April 11, 2025


Load race supplies into rental truck at ORRC public storage units


ORRC storage units are located at:
U-Haul in Beaverton
14225 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy
Beaverton, OR 97005

Early Packet Pick-Up High Priority

April 12, 2025


Check in at Banks Middle School. Hand out bibs, shirts, and socks. Fill aid station tubs, fill water jugs, set up finish line, set up parking lot, etc.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Mile Marker Placement (2-day activity) High Priority

April 13, 2025


Ride the course before race day to be familiar with their locations. On race day place marathon mile markers 1-4, then meet the ranger at the top of the Banks-Vernonia Trail in Anderson Park at 7am. Drive the trail with the ranger, placing miles 5-25 and 3-12. The finish line crew will place Miles 13 and 26. Start crew will place Miles 1 and 2 for the half.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Race Day Activities

Course and Aid Station Set-up High Priority

You must be 22 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 13, 2025


Check in at Banks Middle School by 6am on Sunday and get Uhaul full of supplies. Drive to Camp Cedar Ridge. Working from top to bottom, drop off supplies for the marathon start, aid stations, and ODOT “Runner on Road” signs as indicated. See Drop List for details.


Banks Middle School,12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Volunteer Coordinator

April 13, 2025


Checks in volunteers and re-assigns if necessary. Lets volunteers know where and when to go the day of the event.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Course and Aid Station Pick-up High Priority

You must be 22 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 13, 2025


Drive to Camp Cedar Ridge. Working from top to bottom, pick-up supplies for the start, Aid Stations #1-9, and ODOT “Runner on Road” signs. See Drop List for details.

Set-up Finish Line High Priority

April 13, 2025


Bring supplies from Banks Middle School cafeteria to the Banks HS track. Set up cones, delineators and hurdles. Set up tables and prepare postrace food and water.

Parking in Banks Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in at Banks Middle School. Fill up the Banks High School/Middle School lot first, then direct people to Banks Elementary, Sunset Speedway, or on-street parking. Be sure that people park in designated spots only.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Day of Race Registration High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in at Banks Middle School. Assist runners with day of race registration and get forms to the timer via the shuttle bus ASAP


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Day of Race Packet/T-Shirt Pick-up High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in at Banks Middle School. Hand out bibs, shirts, socks, etc.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Banks Middle School Supervisor Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Stay inside Banks Middle School Cafeteria at all times to watch the equipment, direct runners and volunteers, and answer any questions. Transition cafeteria from packet pick-up to awards ceremony.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Marathon Bike Leader Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in at Camp Cedar Ridge. Pre-sweep the course, riding ahead of the marathon start to be sure that all directional signs, aid stations and volunteers are in place. Instruct volunteers as needed. Set up equipment as needed. Contact other race officials as needed for the marathon to proceed.

Marathon Sweeper High Priority

April 13, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Check in with Marathon Start Leader at Camp Cedar Ridge. Riding bicycles, follow behind the last runner/walker (but not too close, so they don’t feel stalked). Pick up the mile marker signs as you pass them; leave the little orange flags. Watch for injured runners and direct/escort them to the nearest aid station or trailhead. Contact the race director, ranger, or EMS as needed for serious emergencies. Use the ham radio operators for communication. There is a sag wagon available to pick up injured runners at trailheads. Tell the aid stations that they can tear down once the last runner/walker has passed. Someone else will sweep and pick up the mile markers for Miles 1 & 2 on the half marathon course, so you can stay on the trail.

Half Marathon Sweeper Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with Half Marathon Leader at Hilltop (in Stub Stewart). Riding bicycles, follow behind the last runner/walker (but not too close, so they don’t feel stalked). Pick up the half marathon mile marker signs as you pass them; leave the little orange flags and the marathon signs. Watch for injured runners and direct/escort them to the nearest aid station or trailhead. Contact the race director, ranger, or EMS as needed for serious emergencies. Use the ham radio operators for communication. There is a sag wagon available to pick up injured runners at trailheads. The Marathon Sweepers will tell the aid stations that they can tear down once the last runner/walker has passed.

Sag Wagon/Re-Supply High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in at Banks Middle School and load supplies. Working from top to bottom, check on and re-supply as needed (with water, etc.) Aid Stations #4-9 (Tophill to Banks Trailheads). Coordinate and communicate with race director and Uhaul truck driver as needed. The Sweepers or race director may contact you about injured runners who need a ride and/or assistance. Transport volunteers and participants as needed to different locations on the course.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Marathon Start Leader (Camp Cedar Ridge) High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in at Banks Middle School, get your gear, and drive to Camp Cedar Ridge. Direct volunteers to their assignments, including unloading buses, directing runners to restrooms and the start, directing parking, and loading drop bags on the bus. Start the marathon at 8am. SEE SEPARATE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE START.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Marathon Start Worker (Camp Cedar Ridge) Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Direct runners to restrooms, dining hall, drop bag area, and to the start line. See Marathon Start Leader for specific assignments and instructions. SEE SEPARATE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE START.

Half Marathon Start Leader (Stub Stewart) High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in at Banks Middle School, get your gear, and drive to Hilltop Area inside Stub Stewart Park. Unload buses quickly and direct runners to restrooms and the start. Direct parking. Load drop bags onto the bus. Bring equipment back to BMS. SEE SEPARATE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE START.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Half Marathon Start Worker (Stub Stewart) Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Direct runners to potties, drop bag area, and start line. See Half Marathon Start Leader for specific assignments and instructions. SEE SEPARATE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE START.

Finish Line Leader (Banks HS Track) High Priority

April 13, 2025


Report directly to the finish line. Assist timer as needed. Hand out medals, food and water. The drop bags are in the bleachers. Watch for injuries or signs of medical problems; assist with first aid or call EMS as needed. Direct finishers to BMS cafeteria for food and the awards ceremonies. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed. SEE SEPARATE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS AND MAPS FOR THE FINISH


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Finish Line Worker (Banks HS Track) Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Direct runners safely to the track and to the finish line, monitor food and water, hand out finisher medals and direct runners and spectators. Sort and monitor the drop bags in the bleachers. See Finish Line Leader for specific assignments and instructions. SEE SEPARATE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS AND MAPS FOR THE FINISH.

Course Marshalls

Course Marshall A: North of Keasey/Edens Road High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in at Camp Cedar Ridge. When directed by the Marathon Start Leader, stop all traffic. The marathon starts at 8:00. Once the runners are funneled down to one lane, allow traffic to pass, proceeding with caution. (Once the race has started, you may be asked to report to a different spot.)


Camp Cedar Ridge, 18062 Keasey Rd, Vernonia, OR 97064

Course Marshall B: South of Keasey/Edens Road High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in at Camp Cedar Ridge. When directed by the Marathon Start Leader, stop all traffic. The marathon starts at 8:00. Once the runners are funneled down to one lane, allow traffic to pass, proceeding with caution. (Once the race has started, you may be asked to report to a different spot.)


Camp Cedar Ridge, 18062 Keasey Rd, Vernonia, OR 97064

Course Marshall C: Stoney Point Road Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. The marathon starts at 8:00. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. (When the sweeper passes to tell you the last runner has passed, you may be asked to report to a different spot.)

Course Marshall D: State & G Street Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. The marathon starts at 8:00. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. (When the sweeper passes to tell you the last runner has passed, you may be asked to report to a different spot.)

Course Marshall E: State & E Street Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. The marathon starts at 8:00. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. (When the sweeper passes to tell you the last runner has passed, you may be asked to report to a different spot.)

Course Marshall F: State & D Street Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. The marathon starts at 8:00. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. (When the sweeper passes to tell you the last runner has passed, you may be asked to report to a different spot.)

Course Marshall G: State & C Street Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. The marathon starts at 8:00. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. (When the sweeper passes to tell you the last runner has passed, you may be asked to report to a different spot.)


Cedar Ridge Retreat Center, 18062 Keasey Rd, Vernonia, OR 97064

Course Marshall H: State & B Street Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. The marathon starts at 8:00. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. (When the sweeper passes to tell you the last runner has passed, you may be asked to report to a different spot.)


Cedar Ridge Retreat Center, 18062 Keasey Rd, Vernonia, OR 97064

Course Marshall I: State & A Street Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. The marathon starts at 8:00. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. (When the sweeper passes to tell you the last runner has passed, you may be asked to report to a different spot.)

Course Marshall J: State & North Street Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. The marathon starts at 8:00. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. (When the sweeper passes to tell you the last runner has passed, you may be asked to report to a different spot.)

Course Marshall K: State & Bridge Street High Priority

April 13, 2025


Report directly to the location. Direct runners to turn right onto the south sidewalk. A volunteer should direct the runners. A police officer or certified flagger MUST be on site to stop traffic as needed.

Course Marshall L: Bridge & Adams Street High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. Direct runners to turn left onto Adams. Slow traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate.

Course Marshall M: Adams at Anderson Park Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Report directly to Anderson Park. Direct runners to turn left towards the footbridge. Runners go around the lake, then come back to pass you (and the aid station) a second time to get onto the Banks-Vernonia Trail. Stop/slow traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate.

Course Marshall N: Vernonia Lake Path Turn High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader, then report to the location. First direct runners to turn right onto the path that leads to the lake. When they return, direct them to turn left back to Anderson Park. The Sweeper will let you know when the last runner has passed.

Course Marshall O: Lake Path Intersection High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader, then report to the location. Direct runners to turn left (clockwise around the lake). When they return, direct them to go straight (back to Anderson Park.) The Sweeper will let you know when the last runner has passed.

Course Marshall P: Adams Road and BV Trail Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader, then report to your location. Make sure runners make this sharp turn safely and stay on the trail. The Sweeper will let you know when the last runner has passed.

Course Marshall Q: McDonald Road and BV Trail High Priority

April 13, 2025


Must be staffed by certified flaggers. Report directly to where the trail crosses McDonald Road and get set up (place signs, etc.). Stop traffic so runners can cross safely. The first runners should be crossing the road at about 8:30am. The sweepers (race officials on bicycles) will tell you when the last runner has passed. To get your timesheet signed, find the Race Director at the Banks Middle School cafeteria. ORRC will provide ODOT signs.

Course Marshall R: Top of Tophill Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in at Tophill aid station. Direct runners to SLOW DOWN as this is a steep hill with switchbacks. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed.

Course Marshall S: Highway 47 and BV Trail High Priority

April 13, 2025


Must be staffed by certified flaggers. Report directly to Tophill Trailhead and get set up (place signs, etc.). Slow (i.e. do not stop) traffic, so runners can cross safely when the road is clear. There will be a Washington County sheriff deputy on location to slow traffic as needed. Please coordinate with the officer. The first runners should be crossing the highway at about 9:00am. The sweepers (race officials on bicycles) will tell you when the last runner has passed. To get your timesheet signed, find the Race Director at the Banks Middle School cafeteria. The flaggers bring a truck with ODOT signs.

Course Marshall T: Nowakowski Road and BV Trail Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. The Sweeper will tell you the last runner has passed.

Course Marshall GG: Horse Camp Turn-Around High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with Half Marathon Start Leader at Hilltop, get 5 cones, then go to the top of the road (by the horse camp). Place cones leading to the circle and the turn-around. Direct half marathoners to enter the circle in a clockwise direction, go out and back on the spur, and continue on the circle in a clockwise direction to get back to the road. SEE ATTACHED MAP FOR DETAILS.

Course Marshall HH: Welcome Center Detour High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with Half Marathon Leader at Hilltop, get 10 cones and go to the Welcome Center parking lot. Place cones and place yourselves. Participants MUST take this detour--a clockwise loop of the Welcome Center parking lot (i.e. not go directly down the hill) to have an accurate half marathon distance. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. The Sweeper will tell you the last runner has passed. SEE SEPARATE MAP FOR DETAILS.

Course Marshall JJ: Dairy Creek Campgrounds Entrance East/West Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with the Half Marathon Start Leader and report to your location. Place yourself before the runners start at 9am. As vehicles enter or exit the campgrounds, request that they wait until the runners pass, or at least proceed cautiously while the runners are on the road. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. The Sweeper will tell you the last runner has passed

Course Marshall U: Stub Stewart Trailhead and BV Trail High Priority

April 13, 2025


Must be staffed by certified flaggers. Report to where the trail crosses the entrance road and get set up (place signs, etc.). Stop traffic so runners can cross safely. The first runners should be crossing the road at about 9:00am. The sweepers (race officials on bicycles) will tell you when the last runner has passed. There will be two groups passing this location--marathoners (15 mile mark) and half marathoners (2 mile mark). To get your timesheet signed, find the Race Director at the Banks Middle School cafeteria. ORRC will provide ODOT signs.

Course Marshall V: Bacona Road and BV Trail High Priority

April 13, 2025


Must be staffed by certified flaggers. Report directly to where the trail crosses Bacona Road (Buxton Trailhead) and get set up (place signs, etc.). Stop traffic so runners can cross safely. The first runners should be crossing the road at about 9:15am. The sweepers (race officials on bicycles) will tell you when the last runner has passed. To get your timesheet signed, find the Race Director at the Banks Middle School cafeteria. ORRC will provide ODOT signs.

Course Marshall W: Pongratz Road and BV Trail Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Report directly to the location. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed.

Course Marshall X: Pihl Road and BV Trail High Priority

April 13, 2025


Must be staffed by certified flaggers. Report directly to where the trail crosses Pihl Road (by the Manning Trailhead) and get set up (place signs, etc.). Stop traffic so runners can cross safely. The first runners should be crossing the road at about 10:00am. The sweepers (race officials on bicycles) will tell you when the last runner has passed. To get your timesheet signed, find the Race Director at the Banks Middle School cafeteria. ORRC will provide ODOT signs.

Course Marshall Y: Sell Road and BV Trail Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Report directly to the location. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed.

Course Marshall Z: Banks Trailhead/Banks Road High Priority

April 13, 2025


Must be staffed by certified flaggers. Report directly to Banks Trailhead and get set up (place signs, etc.). Call the Race Director on his cell phone when you are ready. The first runners should be crossing the street about 10:15am. Runners should cross NW Banks Road in the crosswalk, get onto the sidewalk and turn left on the sidewalk at the gas station. Stop traffic so runners can cross safely. The Sweepers (race officials on bicycles) will tell you the last runner has passed. To get your timesheet signed, find the Race Director at the Banks Middle School cafeteria. The flaggers will provide a truck with ODOT signs.

Course Marshall AA: Market Street and Main Street Low Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with Finish Line Leader, then get to this location. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed.

Course Marshall BB: Depot Street Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with Finish Line Leader. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Course Marshall CC: Sunset Street and Main Street Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with Finish Line Leader. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed.

Course Marshall DD: Wilkes Street and Main Street Medium Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with Finish Line Leader. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed.

Course Marshall EE: Banks High School Parking Lot Entrance High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with Finish Line Leader. Direct runners to turn left into the taped corridor through the parking lot. Stop traffic so runners can pass safely. Remember that volunteers are not traffic officers. You may not order anyone to stop, but a little friendliness goes a long way to get drivers to cooperate. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Course Marshall FF: Banks High School Parking Lot/Stadium Entrance High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with Finish Line Leader. Direct runners from the safety corridor to the stadium entrance. Stop traffic/people so runners can pass safely. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed.

Aid Stations

Aid Station #1: Anderson Park High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. Supplies will be dropped off at your assigned location. Runners go past here twice. Clean-up when the sweeper reports that the last runner has passed. SEE SEPARATE MAP and detailed INSTRUCTIONS.

Aid Station #2: Mile Post 66 High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. Supplies will be dropped off at your assigned location. Clean-up when the sweeper reports that the last runner has passed. SEE SEPARATE MAP and detailed INSTRUCTIONS.

Aid Station #3: McDonald Road High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with your crew leader. Supplies will be dropped off at your assigned location. Clean-up when the sweeper reports that the last runner has passed. SEE SEPARATE MAP and detailed INSTRUCTIONS.

Aid Station #4: Tophill Trailhead High Priority

April 13, 2025


Report directly to the aid station. Supplies will be dropped off at your assigned location. Clean-up when the sweeper reports that the last runner has passed. SEE SEPARATE MAP and detailed INSTRUCTIONS.

Aid Station #5: Stub Stewart Trailhead High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with Half Marathon Start Leader at Hilltop, then report to the location. Supplies will be dropped off. Marathon and half runners go past here, coming from different directions (Mile 15 for the marathon on the trail; Mile 2 for the half, coming down the road and onto the trail. SEE SEPARATE MAP and detailed INSTRUCTIONS. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed.

Aid Station #6: Buxton Trailhead High Priority

April 13, 2025


Report Directly to the aid station. Supplies will be dropped off at you assigned location. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed. SEE SEPARATE MAP and detailed INSTRUCTIONS.

Aid Station #7: Manning Trailhead High Priority

April 13, 2025


Report directly to the aid station. Supplies will be dropped off at your assigned location. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed. SEE SEPARATE MAP and detailed INSTRUCTIONS.

Aid Station #8: Crossman Place High Priority

April 13, 2025


Check in with the Finish Line Leader, then report to the aid station. Supplies will be dropped off at you assigned location. The Sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed. SEE SEPARATE MAP and detailed INSTRUCTIONS.

Post-Race Activities

Clean-up High Priority

April 13, 2025


Clean-up Banks Middle School, Banks High School track and parking lot, and load equipment into the Uhaul.


Banks Middle School, 12850 NW Main St, Banks, OR 97106

Unload Uhaul at ORRC Storage High Priority

April 14, 2025


Unload equipment at ORRC storage in Beaverton


ORRC storage units are located at:
U-Haul in Beaverton
14225 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy
Beaverton, OR 97005

Exchange Monitors

Exchange #1 Monitors

April 13, 2025


Report directly to the exchange. Set up the feather flag, delineators and tape. Keep the exchange area clear for finishing/starting runners only. As teams hand off (no baton, just touching hands) record the bib number and time of the exchange. The sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed and you make break down the exchange. Leave gear there to be picked up.


Anderson Park (near pavilion)

Exchange #2 Monitors

April 13, 2025


Report directly to the exchange. Set up the feather flag, delineators and tape. Keep the exchange area clear for finishing/starting runners only. As teams hand off (no baton, just touching hands) record the bib number and time of the exchange. The sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed and you make break down the exchange. Leave gear there to be picked up.


Tophill Trailhead

Exchange #3 Monitors

April 13, 2025


Report directly to the exchange. Set up the feather flag, delineators and tape. Keep the exchange area clear for finishing/starting runners only. As teams hand off (no baton, just touching hands) record the bib number and time of the exchange. The sweeper will tell you when the last runner has passed and you make break down the exchange. Leave gear there to be picked up.


Buxton Trailhead (past the aid station on the trail)

Other Tasks

Finish Line DJ High Priority

April 13, 2025


Provide inspiring music and make announcements at the finish line. ORRC will provide a sound system and pay the music rights. You provide your phone with a playlist that will inspire runners and walkers as they finish. Check with the race director before race day to share your playlist and make sure you have the right equipment to connect with our sound system.

Early Packet Pick-up at Foot Traffic High Priority

April 12, 2025


Report to the west side Foot Traffic at 9:30am. All needed supplies will be delivered. Set up, provide PPU from 10am to 2pm. Break down and deliver supplies to Banks Middle School by 3pm.


Foot Traffic store at 13306 NW Cornell Rd

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