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Kettle Cooker Five & Dime Trail Race

Sun October 5, 2025 Nottingham, PA 19362 US Directions

Set up High Priority

At least 20 more volunteers needed.


Help set up for the event. Start time is 5:00am on October 8.
Please bring a headlamp and/or portable lantern/flashlight.


50 W. Christine Rd., Nottingham, PA 19362

Main Aid at Start/Finish & Water Station #1 High Priority

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Help set up main aid station, which also serves as the 2nd aid station for the 10 miler. Start time is 5am on October 8. End tine is when the last runner comes through the finish line. Please bring a headlamp, lantern, or flashlight.


50 W. Christine Rd., Nottingham, PA 19362

Water Station #2 High Priority

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Set up and man the 2nd aid station to meet runner's needs. Start time is 6:30am and until the last runner has passed through the aid station. This is a cup-less race, so you will be filling vessels that runners are carrying with them.


50 W. Christine Rd., Nottingham, PA 19362

Water Stop #3 Medium Priority

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Set up and manage the 3rd aid station to meet runner's needs. Start time is 7:00am and until the last runner has passed through the aid station. This is a cup-less race, so you will be filling vessels that runners are carrying with them. You will also be offering Fireball shots to 21+ runners. You must be 21+ in order to man this station.


50 W. Christine Rd., Nottingham, PA 19362

Clean Up/Break Down High Priority

At least 20 more volunteers needed.


Clean up may begin when the last runner has come through the main aid station at the start/finish line. May take up to two hours for task completion.


50 W. Christine Rd., Nottingham, PA 19362

Course Assistance High Priority

At least 15 more volunteers needed.


You will be placed on the course at intricate areas in order to direct runners and give direction. Start time is 6:00am until the last runner has passed the position you are manning. Bring a headlamp.


50 W. Christine Rd., Nottingham, PA 19362

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