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Hard Knox Pizza Dogwood Classic 5K Run/Walk

Sat April 26, 2025 Knoxville, TN 37919 US Directions

Dogwood 5K Volunteers

Early Packet Pickup at Runner's Market/Hard Knox PIzza

April 24, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Assign bibs or distribute t-shirts to participants.

Parking - Can Run

April 26, 2025


Direct parking. It's that easy! Make sure people know where to leave there cars so they can go run a great race! Oh yeah, make sure cars are parked in an orderly fashion and not in the lake...

Registration - Can Run

April 26, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Distribute bibs and t-shirts or assist participants with race day registration.

Only other thing required here is a smile, a hello and a helpful attitude! You are the first impression of the race! You get to see everyone when they are fresh and ready to run!

Registration - Not Running

April 26, 2025


Distribute bibs and t-shirts or assist with race day registration. Thank you for being willing to work later registration and not participate in the race, you are so important so that we can make sure every runner is checked in and ready to run!

Only other thing required here is a smile, a hello and a helpful attitude! You are the first impression of the race! You get to see everyone when they are fresh and ready to go!

Water Stop - Cannot Run

April 26, 2025


Setup water stop and distribute water to runners. Breakdown and cleanup area when last runner/walker has passed. Another team will pick up supplies.

You really can be a superhero to a thirsty runner! Thank you for being willing to help provide water to our runners!

Food Prep -Cannot Run

April 26, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Put out food and setup tables and drinks for post-race refreshments.

We all run for food, right!!???! Please help make sure that food is put out and water coolers are filled!

Course Monitor- CHEROKEE @ LAKELAND High Priority

April 26, 2025

This volunteer task is full.

Course Monitor- CHEROKEE @ TUGALOO High Priority

April 26, 2025

This volunteer task is full.

Course Monitor- CHEROKEE @ AGAWELA High Priority

April 26, 2025

This volunteer task is full.

Course Monitor - Cannot Run

April 26, 2025


Stand at key areas on course and direct runners on the route in the right direction.

Noone wants to get lost! Your job here is to be the GPS of the course!! We are counting on awesome people to simply point other awesome people in the right direction!

Finish Line - Cannot Run

April 26, 2025


Assist with setup of finish line area. Distribute water to finishers and direct them to post-race tent.

Everyone will be happy to see you!! The excitement of crossing the finish line is different for everyone, but one thing is always the same - - - participants are happy to see it!!! Why not be the person there to greet and congratulate them!

Course Clean-Up - Can Run

April 26, 2025


After race, pick up mile markers and water stop supplies.

This task is usually pretty quick - but is always very important! No one wants to be driving down the road and run into a mile marker or water table left behind. Please consider signing up to make sure everything on the course is taken care of.

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