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Hann Jivin' in the Dark

Saturday night, May 10, 2025 Knoxville, TN 37920 US Directions

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Registration and/or Shirt Distribution High Priority

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


During registration before the race, assist with day-of or pre-registered runner bib and shirt distribution. Also help guide runners through the registration process on computers. We'll provide you training if needed!


Start/Finish Area at Anderson Head Start

Parking Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Before race, assist with parking cars.


Start/Finish Area at Anderson Head Start

Rabbit for Kid's Mile High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Lead kids out for Kid's Mile; Try not to get caught!


Start/Finish Area at Anderson Head Start

Sweep Kid's Mile Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Follow last kid in kid's mile - make sure we don't lose any young'uns!


Start/Finish Area at Anderson Head Start

Course Sweep High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Pick up course markings (flags & signs), and help any stragglers make it back. We don't want to leave anyone out on the trails lost in the dark.


Start/Finish Area at Anderson Head Start

Post-Race Cleanup Medium Priority

Minimum met.


Clean up Start/Finish area -- help take down tables & popups, assist with trash and recycling, help load water & Tailwind jugs.


Start/Finish Area at Anderson Head Start


Course Monitors High Priority

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Keep runners safe! Direct runners at intersections which might cause potential for confusion.


Meet at Start/Finish Area at Anderson Head Start. We will direct you to your spot.
4808 Prospect Rd, Knoxville, TN 37920

Aid Station High Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Distribute water and Tailwind to runners during the race. After all runners, break down aid station and bring back to start/finish area.


Exact location TBD. Somewhere along Chain Ring, possibly at the intersection with AC/DC.

Finish Line/Timing Medium Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Help KTC timing staff with runner timing - may include stringing bibs and/or chasing down runners that slipped through the finish line unaccounted-for.


Start/Finish Line at Anderson Head Start

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