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Haw Ridge Trail Race

Sat July 12, 2025 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 US Directions

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Registration and/or Shirt Distribution High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


During registration before the race, assist with day-of or pre-registered runner bib and shirt distribution. Help guide runners through the registration process on computers.


Start/Finish Area at AMBC HQ (formerly The Life Development Center) - Haw Ridge Park

Parking Help High Priority

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Assist with parking vehicles before the race.


Start/Finish Area at AMBC HQ (formerly The Life Development Center) - Haw Ridge Park

Rabbit for Kid's Mile High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Lead children out/back for the Kid's mile. Don't get caught!!


Start/Finish Area at AMBC HQ (formerly The Life Development Center) - Haw Ridge Park

Kid's Mile Turnaround High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Walk/run/bike out 1/2 mile to the kid's mile turnaround and stay there until all kid's have passed through/turned around; run/walk/bike back to the start/finish picking up flags and signs marking the kid's course.


Start/Finish Area at AMBC HQ (formerly The Life Development Center) - Haw Ridge Park

Course Sweep High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


With a delayed start, follow the last runner from a distance and pick up flags, signs and other course markings. Drop off what has been collected at the aid station and complete sweeping the course. This also lets the aid station volunteers know that there are no more runners and they can break down the aid station and return to the start/finish area.


Start/Finish Area at AMBC HQ (formerly The Life Development Center) - Haw Ridge Park - Run/Walk entire course, start to finish.

Post - Race Cleanup Low Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Clean up Start/Finish area- help take down tables, tents, pick up trash, and load all equipment.


Start/Finish Area at AMBC HQ (formerly The Life Development Center) - Haw Ridge Park


Road/Course Monitors High Priority

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Keep runners safe and headed in the right direction!!!


Meet at Start/Finish Area at AMBC HQ (formerly The Life Development Center) - Haw Ridge Park
We will direct you to your designated spot.

Aid Station High Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Hike/Bike/run or boat to the aid station about halfway through the course with minimal supplies (water already staged there). Distribute water and Tailwind to thirsty runners during the race. After all runners have passed (indicated by the course sweeper arriving at the aid station, break down aid station and bring items back to the start/finish area.


Approximately halfway through the course.

Finish Line/Timing and Snack Table Setup Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


After race start, help set up table with post race snacks. As runners finish, assist KTC timing staff with runners timing as they pass the finish line if needed and monitor the snack table


Start/Finish Area at AMBC HQ (formerly The Life Development Center) - Haw Ridge Park

Aid Station Setup - kayak or boat recommended (kayak can be provided) High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Kayak, or otherwise boat supplies (3 - collapsible five gallon jugs, filled) to the on-course aid station Friday afternoon July 12th. It is approximately 2.7 miles round-trip on the water. Alternatively these may be hiked to the aid station location. Note - five gallons of water weighs ~43 pounds).

Race Photography Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Take photos pre and post race as well as of runners on the course. Upload to the KTC social media site or otherwise get it to someone with that access.

Other Tasks

Kid's Mile Sweeper High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Follow the last kid runner out and back; letting the course monitor at the turnaround that all kids have passed

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