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Outlaw Half Marathon, 10K & 5K

Fredericksburg, TX 78624 US

Open Volunteer

At least 25 more volunteers needed.


We will assign you a spot where we need your help on race day!

Aid Station Crew High Priority

At least 15 more volunteers needed.


We have 3 aid stations through the event that helps provide runners with water and Gu.


Aid Station #1 at miles 5 & 8
Aid Station #2 at miles 3 & 10
Aid Station #3 at miles 1, 2 & 12

Finish Line Crew High Priority

At least 8 more volunteers needed.


At the finish line we will need assistance as runner finish providing aid and giving them medals.

Packet Pickup - Friday Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


At Luchenback from 2pm-5pm

Packet Pickup - Raceday Medium Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


At Luchenback from 6am-8am

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