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Keller Williams Premier Back 2 School 5K

Mon September 1 - Sun September 7, 2025 Directions

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Race Course

Course Marshal - Adult High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 11 more volunteers needed.


Adult Course Marshals will control traffic at minor cross streets along course. They will be paired with a Student Course Marshal. All Course Marshals will be provided with a reflective vest. The Adult Course Marshal will provide direction to the Student Course Marshal with which they are paired. The responsibilities will be to stop traffic trying to enter Peek Rd from adjacent subdivisions and inform drivers that only a right-hand turn is allowed and that they must stay in the outer lane until they are clear of the course. Secondarily, they will be responsible for communicating to the Event Manager any injuries along the course requiring assistance.


The exact location will be assigned by the Event Manager in the days prior to the race. However, all Course Marshals will be posted along the Peek Rd course at minor intersection (no traffic light).

Course Marshal - Student High Priority

You must be 14-20 years old to volunteer for this task.

At least 11 more volunteers needed.


Student Course Marshals will control traffic at minor cross streets along course. They will be paired with an Adult Course Marshal. All Course Marshals will be provided with a reflective vest. The Student Course Marshals will seek direction from the Adult Course Marshal with which they are paired. The responsibilities will be to stop traffic trying to enter Peek Rd from adjacent subdivisions and inform drivers that only a right-hand turn is allowed and that they must stay in the outer lane until they are clear of the course. Secondarily, they will be responsible for communicating to the Event Manager any injuries along the course requiring assistance.


The exact location will be assigned by the Event Manager in the days prior to the race. However, all Course Marshals will be posted along the Peek Rd course at minor intersection (no traffic light).

Course Cone Placement High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Volunteers will conduct cone placement along the race course prior to the race and cone pick-up following the race.


Starting and finishing at the Villagio Town Center

Resources Needed

Truck - 2

Water Stop High Priority

You must be 11 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 25 more volunteers needed.


Water Stop volunteers will be responsible for setting up tables and filling water cups prior to the race start. They will distribute cups of water to runners as requested at both north bound and south bound lanes of the race course. Water Stop volunteers will be responsible for breaking down the water stop and bringing any tables, water coolers, left-over cups, etc to the Event Manager at the Villagio finish line.


The Water Stop will be located in the median along the Peek Rd course at the West Forest Dr. intersection.

Race Packets

Packet Pick-up High Priority

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

August 29, 2025

August 30, 2025

August 31, 2025


Volunteers will be responsible for distributing race bibs, race shirts and goodie bags to race participants.


Good Times Running Company at the Villagio Shopping Center will be the location for the 8/30, 8/31, and 9/1 packet pickups. The 9/2 packet pickup will be done at the Villagio near the finish line / courtyard area.

Packet Stuffing Low Priority

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

August 24, 2025


Volunteers will place promotional materials and race pins into goodie bag.


The location of Packet Stuffing will be determined by the Task Coordinator at a later date.

Race Day Registration High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Will conduct race day registration prior to start of race on race day. Will be responsible for collecting race entry fees and distributing race shirts, if still available. Will provide list of race day entrants to timing personnel before start of race.


Villagio Start Area

Start/Finish Area

Volunteer Check - In Medium Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Will Check in and account for all registered volunteers. Will direct volunteers to their posts.


Villagio Start/Finish Area

Finish Line Water/Banana Distribution Medium Priority

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Will set up finish line with water and bananas prior to race start. Will distribute water and bananas to finishing runners.


Finish Line at the Villagio.

Start/Finish Line Area Set-up and Teardown Medium Priority

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Will set up any equipment needed for the finish line and the courtyard after-party Set up at 6 AM, Clean up around 9-930


Villagio Finish line and courtyard.

Other Tasks

First aid Coordinator High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Be point of contact for first aid, must have cell phone to call emergency services if anything requires more than a bandaid or drink of water.


Start / Finish line

Bike Sweep Medium Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


The bike sweep leaves 10 minutes after the start of the race and follows the course. Once the biker has caught up with the race he stays with the last person in the race and advises course marshals, police officers and water stop coordinator that the last runner has come through.


From the start.

Time Keeper High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Assist with setup, entering same day registrant information such as bib #, age, name and gender; testing, and other support tasks. eligible hand writing, is plus.

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