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The Legacy 100

Sat April 5, 2025 Schulenburg, TX 78956 US Directions

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Water Stops

Water Stop 1 High Priority

April 5, 2025


Assist riders with ice/water for water bottles, cut up sandwiches and bananas. Load up tables and coolers and bring back to start area.


St. Mary Catholic Church, 821 FM1295, Flatonia, TX 78941

Water Stop 2 High Priority

April 5, 2025


Assist riders with ice/water for water bottles, cut up sandwiches and bananas. Load up tables and coolers and bring back to start area.


Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, 2833 FM 2672, Schulenburg, TX 78956

Water Stop 3 High Priority

April 5, 2025


Assist riders with ice/water for water bottles, cut up sandwiches and bananas. Load up tables and coolers and bring back to start area.


Saint John the Baptist Czech Catholic Church, 7745 Mensik Rd, La Grange, TX 78945

Water Stop 4 High Priority

April 5, 2025


Assist riders with ice/water for water bottles, cut up sandwiches and bananas. Load up tables and coolers and bring back to start area.


Weimar City Hall, 106 E Main St, Weimar, TX 78962

Water Stop 5 High Priority

April 5, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Assist riders with ice/water for water bottles, cut up sandwiches and bananas. Load up tables and coolers and bring back to start area.


Levaca County Courthouse, 109 N La Grange St, Hallettsville, TX 77964


Check-In High Priority

April 5, 2025


Mark off rider names when they arrive, hand them their swag bags and number plates. After that, handing out challenge coins to 62 and 105 finishers.


Wolters Park Pavilion (near start line)

Bathroom Clean Up Medium Priority

April 5, 2025


Go through each of the bathroom locations and doing a light cleaning to ensure they look decent for church-goers on Sunday morning. *This isn't a deep cleaning, just a basic wipe everything down with lysol wipes, a quick scrub of the toilet with a brush, and sweep the floor.

First Aid Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Using provided first aid kit, provide basic first aid services IF needed. For anything more serious, the rider or a ride volunteer will call EMS.


Wolters Park Pavilion (near start line)

Parking Attendant Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Help direct people as they park to ensure everything is orderly and we fit as many people as possible in the parking lot. *We have a large parking lot, but much of it is not marked, so attendant(s) will need to direct people and encourage them to park as close as they can to the next car over.


Wolters Park Pavilion

SAG Medium Priority

April 5, 2025


Pick up riders who cannot continue and need transportation back to the start line. *Must have vehicle with bike rack or a truck with room for at least a couple bikes.


Wolters Park Pavilion (near start line)

Ride Enhancement

Photographers High Priority

April 5, 2025


Take amazing photos of all riders passing by your pre-determined location.



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