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Radford University Tartan 5k, A Twilight Run

Fri September 19, 2025 Roanoke, VA 24016 US

Traffic and Parking Lot Directors Medium Priority

September 19, 2025


Traffic and parking lot directors play a crucial role in ensuring smooth traffic flow and efficient parking during the event. Responsibilities include directing vehicles to designated parking areas, managing traffic flow to prevent congestion, and providing direction to drivers as needed.

Information Station

September 19, 2025


The information station is the hub for all volunteers, participants and supporters during the event. Volunteers in this area will greet and check-in volunteers, distribute any race packets, and address any general questions.

Starting/Finish Line

September 19, 2025


Starting and Finish Line Volunteers are responsible for ensuring that participants start and end the race smoothly and safely. Responsibilities include organizing participants and providing instructions, encouragement, and coordinating with race officials to ensure a timely start. They play a key role in providing support and encouragement to participants as they complete the race. Responsibilities include cheering on finishers, distributing medals or other finisher rewards, and directing participants to post-race amenities.

Water Stations

September 19, 2025


Water Stations Volunteers are responsible for ensuring that participants stay hydrated during the race. Responsibilities include setting up and stocking water stations along the course, distributing water to participants as they pass by, and maintaining a clean and organized station.

Course Marshall

September 19, 2025


Course Marshalls are stationed along the race course to provide directions, guidance, and support to participants. Responsibilities include ensuring that participants stay on course, monitoring for safety hazards or issues, and providing encouragement to runners/walkers.


September 19, 2025


Cleanup Volunteers are responsible for helping to restore the event site to its original condition after the race concludes. Responsibilities include dismantling tents, tables, and other equipment, collecting and disposing of trash and recycling materials, and ensuring that the area is left clean and tidy.

Race Activities Station

September 18, 2025


Race activity volunteers will assist with games and activities before and after the race.

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