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TAM Trek

Sun September 21, 2025 Middlebury, VT 05753 US Directions

Course Setup and Take Down

September 18, 2025


Putting up cones and flagging to mark course. This will be done 9/14-9/16 with flexible timing. Should be someone familiar with course. 3-4 hours.


All around the TAM. Sections will be assigned. Group meeting will be held at the MALT office the week leading up to TAM Trek.

Event Setup

September 21, 2025


On 9/17. Help set up supplies, tables, tents, raffle table, etc. Meet at Wright Park entrance at 6:00 am. Set up crew done by 7:30 am.


Southern entrance to Wright Park, off Seymour Street Extension.

Registration Table

September 21, 2025


On 9/17. Help register participants. Arrive at 6:30 am, 19-mile registration opens at 6:45 am.

19-mile race begins at 7:30, there will be a break from 7:30 until 8:45 where volunteers will sort participant info from the 19-mile registration, help prepare registration for the next round of participants, etc.

Registration for the 5K, 10K, and 2-mile fun run opens at 8:30 am.

Registration volunteers are finished by 10:30 am.


Southern entrance to Wright Park, off Seymour Street Extension.

Parking / Traffic Control

September 21, 2025


On 9/17. Will help direct traffic and help park cars. Arrive at 6:30 am to set up parking. There will be a short break between 7:30 and 8:30 am because the 19-mile race begins at 7:30 am and the 5K/10K/2-mile fun runs begin from 9:15-9:45 am. This task will end around 10:00 am.


Southern entrance to Wright Park, off Seymour Street Ext.

First Aid Station 1, Wash St

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


On 9/17. Will help direct runners on course, hand out water/food, and cheer participants on! Aid station volunteers will have a meeting on Friday night, September 15 at 5:00 pm outside the MALT office. They will collect their aid station supplies and go over important directions at that time. Aid station volunteers may then arrive at their aid station to set up on Sunday morning. They do not need to check in at the Wright Park race start on race day.

This aid station sets up by 7:30 am and is finished by 8:15ish.


Washington St Ext, TAM Kiosk

First Aid Station 2, Route 7 crossing

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


On 9/17. Will help direct runners on course, hand out water/food, and cheer participants on! Aid station volunteers will have a meeting on Friday night, September 15 at 5:00 pm outside the MALT office. They will collect their aid station supplies and go over important directions at that time. Aid station volunteers may then arrive at their aid station to set up on Sunday morning. They do not need to check in at the Wright Park race start on race day.

This aid station sets up by 7:45 am and is finished by 9:00ish


At the TAM Kiosk across from Denecker Cheverolet and directly off Route 7, in the field.

First Aid Station 3, Rt 30 crossing

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


On 9/15. Will help direct runners on course, hand out water/food, and cheer participants on! Aid station volunteers will have a meeting on Friday night, September 13 at 5:00 pm outside the MALT office. They will collect their aid station supplies and go over important directions at that time. Aid station volunteers may then arrive at their aid station to set up on Sunday morning. They do not need to check in at the Wright Park race start on race day.

This aid station sets up by 8:15 am and will stay until the last racer passes.


Where the TAM crosses Route 30, near the Middlebury College Golf Course.

First Aid Station 4, Weybridge Rd/Route 23

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


On 9/15. Will help direct runners on course, hand out water/food, and cheer participants on! Aid station volunteers will have a meeting on Friday night, September 13 at 5:00 pm outside the MALT office. They will collect their aid station supplies and go over important directions at that time. Aid station volunteers may then arrive at their aid station to set up on Sunday morning. They do not need to check in at the Wright Park race start on race day.

This aid station sets up by 8:30 am and will stay until the last racer passes.


The TAM Kiosk located off Weybridge Rd/Route 23 in Weybridge.

First Aid Station 5, Otter Creek Gorge - Morgan Horse Farm Rd.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


On 9/17. Will help direct runners on course, hand out water/food, and cheer participants on! Aid station volunteers will have a meeting on Friday night, September 15 at 5:00 pm outside the MALT office. They will collect their aid station supplies and go over important directions at that time. Aid station volunteers may then arrive at their aid station to set up on Sunday morning. They do not need to check in at the Wright Park race start on race day.

This aid station sets up by 8:45 am and will stay until the last racer passes.


The TAM entrance to Otter Creek Gorge, off Morgan Horse Farm Rd, in Weybridge.

First Aid Station 6, Belden Falls

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


On 9/17. Will help direct runners on course, hand out water/food, and cheer participants on! Aid station volunteers will have a meeting on Friday night, September 15 at 5:00 pm outside the MALT office. They will collect their aid station supplies and go over important directions at that time. Aid station volunteers may then arrive at their aid station to set up on Sunday morning. They do not need to check in at the Wright Park race start on race day.

This aid station sets up by 8:45 am and will stay until the last racer passes.


The eastern side of Belden Falls, off Belden Falls Rd in New Haven.

Mountain Bike Lead for 10k

September 21, 2025


Lead 10k runners through start of Wright Park; stay to direct runners at intersection in Wright Park


Wright Park, Middlebury

Food Table Setup and Serving

September 21, 2025


On 9/17. Help fill food bags for finishers. Coordinate packing bags, hand out to finishers, replenishing supplies, etc. Arrive at 8:30 am and stay through the end of the race, around 11:00 am.


Southern entrance to Wright Park, off Seymour Street Ext.

Fun Run turn around

September 21, 2025


On 9/17. Direct runners in the 2 mile fun run at the turn around point. Cheer them on! Arrive at 9:00 am.


Southern entrance to Wright Park, off Seymour Street Ext.

Otter Creek Gorge / giving directions

September 21, 2025


On 9/17. Direct runners in Otter Creek Gorge. There are several key locations that volunteers will be posted. Meet at the Belden Falls Parking off Belden Falls Rd in New Haven at 8:15 am.


Otter Creek Gorge

Chipman Hill, direct runners

September 21, 2025


On 9/17. Direct runners at critical turns on Chipman Hill. Two volunteers spots: One located at the top of Springside Drive and one located as runners turn off access road and head East towards the switchbacks. Arrive at 7:30 am.

Race Director will call you to explain where to stand and how to direct.


Top of Springside Drive, Middlebury

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