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Run A Muk 5k/10k

Sat August 24, 2024 Directions

Race Day Volunteer - Route High Priority

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

Minimum met, 3 volunteer spots remaining.


Route Volunteer assignments may include: Assisting our runners across intersections as a Course Marshal, pointing our runners the right direction at critical turns as a Course Volunteer, manning a water station or acting as a "sweep" walker as the last person on the route. Some vehicle interaction likely.
Mandatory Crew Meeting at 8am at Rosehill, in place at assigned spot on route from 8:45 - approximately 10:45 (or last walker through location).

Please read the Event Volunteer information at for additional information.

Race Day Volunteer - Start/Finish

You must be 8 or older to volunteer for this task.

Minimum met, 2 volunteer spots remaining.


Start/Finish Volunteers assignments may include: packet pickup, handing out event shirts, helping with food/water, handing out finishers medals, as well as helping with set up and tear down of the start/finish area.

Mandatory Crew Meeting at 6am at Rosehill. Setup from 6:15-7:15am. Assigned position(s) from 7:15-10:45 (or last walker finishes) then cleanup - usually about 30 minutes.

Please read the Event Volunteer information at for additional information.

Route Sweep

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

Minimum met, 3 volunteer spots remaining.


The Sweep will follow the last 10k walker on their final loop of the course at the final walkers pace, no faster. As they pass course marshal locations they will notify them that the last walker has passed so they can tear down their portion of the course. They will be responsible for gathering signs and cones as the route is closed and placing them in convenient spots for a vehicle to pickup.

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