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Registration Set-Up

June 5, 2025


Help is needed moving in to the Red Lion and setting up shirts, posters and registration materials.


Red Lion Hotel. Port Angeles, WA

Registration - Bib Pick Up (Will be on a Computers) High Priority

June 6, 2025

June 7, 2025


Friday & Saturday of race weekend. Volunteers will meet at The Red Lion hotel to prepare the banquet room for participants plus their family members! Saturday of race weekend. Registration volunteers will work at the Red Lion Hotel (marathon registration headquarters). You will be the first to meet our runners from all over the country. Volunteers will distribute race packets and t-shirts to registered runners. Volunteers will pick up their packets at the start of their shift.


Red Lion Hotel

Registration - Gear Bags - Hand out Gear Bags to participants (Sitting) High Priority

June 6, 2025

June 7, 2025


Friday & Saturday of race weekend. Volunteers will meet at The Red Lion hotel to prepare the banquet room for participants plus their family members! Saturday of race weekend. Registration volunteers will work at the Red Lion Hotel (marathon registration headquarters). You will be the first to meet our runners from all over the country. Volunteers will distribute race packets and t-shirts to registered runners. Volunteers will pick up their packets at the start of their shift.


Red Lion Hotel

Registration - Shirt Distribution High Priority

June 6, 2025

June 7, 2025


Friday & Saturday of race weekend. Volunteers will meet at The Red Lion hotel to prepare the banquet room for participants plus their family members! Saturday of race weekend. Registration volunteers will work at the Red Lion Hotel (marathon registration headquarters). You will be the first to meet our runners from all over the country. Volunteers will distribute shirts to registered runners. Volunteers will pick up their packets at the start of their shift.


Red Lion Hotel

Finish Line

Finish Line Food

June 8, 2025


Help to keep the finish line food stock and help participants if they need anything.


Port Angeles City Pier


Course Marshal

June 8, 2025


Sunday/Race day. 50 volunteers are needed along the course from Sequim to Port Angeles! Our course marshals are vital. Course Marshals will stand at strategic turns/intersections along the course and make sure zoned out runners stay on course. You will be given a complete kit with safety vest, location and time needed and instructions.


East End to Sequim

Course Entertainment

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Music, Dance, Singing..... Any form of entertainment that will help to motivate, encourage and inspire our participants along the course

First Aid Runners

Minimum met, 7 volunteer spots remaining.


Requirements / benefits of being a First Aid Runner for the June 3rd activities:
1. Must be First-Aid / CPR Certified.
2. Will receive a free entry into the event that they will be running (also get the race shirt and medal along with this).
3. Have to run with "fanny pack."
It is the nice slim one that will have basic first aid items in it.
4. Have to run with a cell-phone.
5. Have to wear the First Aid RED running shirt that the marathon will supply.
6. Have to stop along the way if anyone needs help, etc., no running for personal record.

Organization / Groups

Medical Assistants - Water Stations

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


There are 14 water stations along the course and we would love to have medical assistants at as many as possible. As a medical assistant at the water stations we just ask that you look for signs of participants struggling and help to determine what type of help they need. If they need further assistance than you can give them at the water station call 911.

Finish Support and Clean up

June 7, 2025

June 8, 2025


help to set-up and clean up after the event.


Port Angeles City Pier & Red Lion Hotel

Other Tasks

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Are you not sure, or don't see what you're looking for? Complete this form and we will get in touch!

Post Registration Organizing

June 7, 2025


Help us organize our materials after registration so we are ready for race morning.


Red Lion Hotel

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