Must be an experienced trail runner, familiarity in course-marking preferred. Volunteers will run a 20-ish mile portion of the course before the race to check that course markings are still up where they need to be and that nothing on the course has been vandalized. Pre-Runners will also check for any hazards on the course and report all findings back to the race director.
Prerunning can be done in "shorter" segments between aid stations or, if you prefer you can do a longer section.
If shorter segments are done, we'll work with you and other segment prerunners to coordinate vehicle transports to and from the aid station segments that you run. This may mean that you'll drive another vehicle to your starting point, and/or be okay with someone driving your vehicle.
Prerunning can be done on foot, mountain bike or dirtbike if either of the other methods are your preferred form of travel.