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S'more Fun Trail Run

Sat October 4, 2025 Directions

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Trail Operations

Refreshment station aids High Priority

October 4, 2025


This volunteer task is to work one of the 3 refreshment stations for the 5 & 10k runners. Duties include filling paper cups from water jugs or Gatorade jugs prior to the runners coming through. Keeping them stocked and available throughout both races. Clean up station after the last runner of the last race comes through.


3 locations
~ Ishnala Trail intersection
~ Trail in front of the Park office
~ Northwest Trail (this station will not be manned if volunteers are needed elsewhere)

Trail Assisters High Priority

October 4, 2025


stand at strategic trail intersections to direct and cheer on the runners


multiple locations throughout the trails.

Pace Setter Mini-Marshmallow Mile

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Leads youth along correct path


Parking Patrol High Priority

You must be 18-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

October 4, 2025


Assist the park staff with parking participants and spectators in 4 different parking lots.


Starting at the Beach lots.


Registration High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Meet at shelter at 7 am. Organize bibs, shirts for handout. Process pre-registered and day of registrations. Verify identity to bib


Beach front Shelter

Start / Finish Area

Start/Finish Line setup

At least 4 more volunteers needed.

Beach Front Operations

Hospitality Medium Priority

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


set up and attend food. refreshments, Friends info tent 7am


Beach Front

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