Coupeville, WA US 98239
Al-ki or Alki: The Washington State motto, “Al-ki” or “Alki” is Native American (chinook) or English it means “Bye-and-bye” or “Hope for the future”.
A new challenge virtual event to keep you motivated and connected with others in a race for the finish. You can run/walk the Tip to Tip (47 miles) or Peak to Peak (173 miles), or you can run/bike the Apples to Monuments (2684 miles) solo or as a team of 8. There will be a live leaderboard where you can update your mileage daily or weekly.
June 15 - September 7
Tip to Tip: (Whidbey Island WA) Deception Pass to Clinton Ferry 47 miles
June 15 - September 7
Peak to Peak: Mt St Helens to Rainier 173 miles (2.06 miles a day)
You can log your miles daily or weekly, starting June 22. To get an official time, be sure to log miles/times by September 7, 2020. You do not have to run every day, but we have given you the average daily miles to help you reach your goal.
June 15 - December 31
Apples to Monuments: WA to Washington DC 2684 miles
Solo or Team of 8 (13.49 miles a day): have team Captain submit weekly
Relay Info: Getting 8 friends ‘together’ to complete this challenge is fun and a much quicker way to get to the finish! The team Captain will register everyone and log the weekly miles starting June 22. To get an official time, be sure to upload all miles/time by December 31, 2020
Challenge yourself in the safety of your own home, trails or road and you push your mind and body to new limits. Use this daily training to achieve goals you never thought possible.
What comes with your entry? A race shirt, online mileage/time logging with leaderboard and Facebook group to share your adventure. There will be an add-on option for buckles on the Peak to Peak and Apples to Monuments, and an add-on option for a medal for the Tip to Tip. Designs will be posted when we have a few mockups. Expect orders to take 6-8 weeks for processing and shipping.
Proceeds will go to support the graduation week activities and scholarships for the Coupeville High School Class of 2021.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.