Manson, WA US 98831
Annual Manson Apple Blossom 5K/2K – Come Celebrate the 100+1 Anniversary! Proceeds go towards supporting the Manson Apple Blossom Scholarship Fund.
Race Schedule
7:30am – Packet pick-up, day-of registration
8:30am – Race Starts
9:30am – Awards
10:00am – Course closed, breakdown and clean-up
Packet Pick-Up
May 8th - 7:30am @ 145 Wapato Way, Manson, WA US 98831
Day-of Registration will be available on race day. The cost will be $25. Shirt not guaranteed for Day-of Registration.
Virtual 5K/2K: Top Male/Female will receive a prize.
In-Person 5K:
- Overall Top Male & Female will receive a prize.
- Top Male & Female in the following age groups will receive a prize:
18 & under, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+
In-Person 2K: Top Male/Female will receive a prize.
Course Map
Here is the course for the race
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
COVID-19 Guidelines
Due to the pandemic, we ask that each participant maintain 6ft of social distance and use a proper face-covering before the race. At the starting line, immediately before the race begins, runners will be permitted to remove their masks. At the end of the race, we ask that racers once again social distance and use face coverings.
Due to the pandemic, we ask that each spectator maintain 6ft of social distance and use a proper face covering while watching the Manson Apple Blossom 5k/2k. Please avoid congregating in large groups along the race route.
Thank you for understanding and for your cooperation in these unique and unprecedented times!
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.