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Step Up 4 Girls

Sun May 23 - Thu September 16 Seattle, WA 98102 US Directions



9:00AM PDT - 6:00PM PDT


140 S 140th St, Burien, WA 98168
Seattle, WA US 98102


Thank you for supporting Step Up 4 Girls!  My name is Emma Maffeo and I am a sophomore at Kennedy Catholic High School.  I am hosting this jog-a-thon to raise awareness and funding to benefit girls' education through Rwanda Girls Initiative (RGI). 

Registration is $15 for an individual and $30 for a family.   If you are unable to participate you can still join the cause by donating above. 

Funds raised will support girls' education through Rwanda Girls Initiative.  Instead of gathering pledges per lap, we are asking each participant to help raise funds with flat donations.  You can create your individual fundraising page and begin raising money to support scholarships for girls in Rwanda.  Get your families and friends together to see how much money you can raise for this important cause!  You will be able to create your own fundraising page where you can track your progress!  

Due to COVID-19 guidelines, you will be assigned an hour window for your run.  The time will be between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. 

Thank you for supporting Step Up 4 Girls!

More about Rwanda Girls Initiative (RGI)
RGI’s mission is to educate and empower girls in Rwanda to reach their highest potential.  In collaboration with the Rwandan government and Gashora community, founders Suzanne McGill and Shalisan Foster established Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology (GGAST) as an upper-secondary boarding school would not only change the future of Rwanda, it would become a model for girls’ education for Sub-Saharan Africa.  GGAST strives to cultivate inspired leaders with a love of learning and a sense of economic empowerment to strengthen their communities and foster Rwanda’s growth. The Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology (GGAST) is an innovative and socio-economically diverse model upper-secondary school designed to provide a “whole girl” education. GGAST provides a rigorous college prep academic program, combined with leadership training and extra-curricular activities that fill our girls with confidence that they can pursue their dreams of university education and fulfilling and impactful vocations.  100% of students are on full to partial scholarships allowing them to enroll the best and brightest regardless of their families financial situation.  Educate a girl. Inspire a community. Transform a country.

Race Contact Info

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