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Mon September 13 - Thu September 30



Please join us virtually September 13th through September 30th, for our 5k run or a 2 mile Walk for WOCA. This virtual event supports ovarian cancer survivors and their families throughout Wisconsin. 

What is a Virtual Run/Walk?

A virtual event is a race that you do on your own time and on your own course. You choose the location and if you would like to run or walk. Track your distance and time with a smartphone app and submit your time to our website to see where you are against others.

Event Registration

$30 - June 6th through July 31th

$35 - August 1st through September 9th

TEAM INFORMATION: Teams are a great way to gather your friends and family!  Teams are made up of 10 or more people. To get your team started click the Group/Teams button on the sidebar!! Each Individual on a teams will receive $5 off of their registration once they register 10 participants!  Participants must register before July 30th for discounted pricing! FREE 2022 RACE REGISTRATION for every team captain with a team of 10 or more!!!  

New This Year: T-shirt Design Contest!!!!

Congratulations Ilyse!  The 2021 winner for our t-shirt design challenge.  Click here to view the 2021 t-shirt design.

Scavenger Hunt

This year we're switching things up! Gather your teammates and participate in our first ever scavenger hunt! Each completed task will receive a point. The team with the most points WINS a Qdoba party catered for their whole team!  Learn More 

Submitting Your Result
An important part of this Virtual Race is submitting your time so that you can see how you rank, much like a traditional run.  Beginning September 13th you will be able to submit your time.  You can submit results from Sept 13th - Sept 30th.  Final results will be available at the same link Sept 30th. 

When will I Receive My Swag?

If you chose the option to have your package shipped, they will be sent out the week of August 23rd. 

Race packets can be picked up in the WOCA office the week of August 23rd.  If you are opting to pick up your packet please use the following link to sign up for a day & time: Walk for WOCA Packet Pickup

PLEDGE PAGES/FUNDRAISING: Show additional support by raising pledges. Start your fundraising page by visiting "Become a Fundraiser" under the Donate Button. 

  • Individuals that raise $500 will receive a WOCA Swag Bag!
  • Teams who raise $1,000, each member will receive a Teal Ribbon Mints!
  • Teams who raise $3,000, each member will receive a Teal Ribbon Mints & a Teal Ribbon Tennis Shoe Keychain!
  • Teams who raise $5,000, each member will receive a Teal Ribbon Mints, a Teal Ribbon Tennis Shoe Keychain, & a Sparkle Glitter Tumbler!

SURVIVOR REGISTRATION:  is free. For survivor registration please use this link: 2021 Survivor Registration

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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