Eau Claire, WI US 54703
Monday, September 7th, 2020
Join us on Labor Day for the Ryan Boos 1st annual Northside Hustle at Pinehurst Fitness
Event description:
On Labor Day, Ryan Boos is hosting the first annual Northside Hustle charity event. All proceeds will go to the Eau Claire Firefighters Community Charity.
This outdoor event will allow you to experience challenging but fun exercises that will test your mental and physical strength. Highlighting the morning will be a timed exercise course with strength exercises ranging from the push/pull sled, farmer’s walk to a 2-mile run/walk to the top of Pinehurst Hill.
The 2-mile route starts out at Pinehurst Fitness and takes you through the Northside neighborhood to Pinehurst Park where you will run, walk, or crawl up the hill, touch the cone, and return to Pinehurst Fitness.
This is your chance to get outside your comfort zone, discover what you're made of, and cross that finish line stronger than you started. Let this be your yearly physical....beat your time from one year to the next! Bring your whole family for this competitive charity event!
We want everyone to feel safe at the outdoor event, so to ensure the safety of participants, we ask everyone to be mindful of social distancing. Prior to the event, participants will be required to self-screen for covid symptoms. If you don’t feel well, please stay home. Masks are recommended, but not required. The course will run in waves, allowing event coordinators to take the appropriate measures for disinfecting after each participant.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.