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ABOVE AND BEYOND for Spina Bifida Wisconsin

Sat April 27, 2019 Fitchburg, WI 53711 US Directions



NEW IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR SATURDAY: The weather forecast for tomorrow isn't great - 85% chance of rain, around 40 degrees.  Rain turning into snow.  To beat the snow, and maybe catch a break in the rain, I've decided to change the event time slightly.

9:00am volunteers arrive

10:00am pre-registered participants arrive - we will have a bag ready for each family that includes your event shirt(s) and participation medal(s). We will be in the back of the pavilion on the covered patio. Bring cash $5.00/6 raffle tickets.

10:00am day-of registrations -- rainy day price break $20.00 cash/check (no participation medal; shirt/size not guaranteed)

10:15am - 10:30am we will hope for a break in the rain to set out and complete the walk around the park. Bring umbrellas, rain ponchos, etc...
Upon returning we will have refreshments (water and a snack) and we will draw winners for the raffle items.

SBWIS staff will be present until 11am. We wish to be driving back to Milwaukee before the snow flies.  If the weather impacts your participation, please stop by between 10am and 10:30am to pick up your bag (shirt and medal). We will not mail these items to you after the event. They must be picked up at the park. Park address: 2930 Chapel Valley Road

Please email Kathy with any questions  Thank you for your understanding and flexibility! We are looking forward to seeing everyone.

Spina Bifida Wisconsin is the only state-wide nonprofit organization serving families impacted by this condition. We recognize the unique challenges that people with spina bifida have to face - multiple surgeries, mobility issues, shunts, latex sensitivity, limited options for care, school and work accommodations to name just a few. When our families encounter obstacles, they consistently go ABOVE AND BEYOND to over-come their difficult situation. This event celebrates the accomplishments of our members and raises money for our programs and services that extend across Wisconsin.  We hope you can join us, meet some of our members that have gone ABOVE AND BEYOND, support our mission and have a great time.  Why should my family attend? Berenice from Appleton, mom of 5 year old Christopher, explains that attending an event with other people with spina bifida gave Christopher an idea about his future. Meeting teens and adults with spina bifida gave us hope.
Please continue reading for important event information:
Location details: McKee Farms Park is a gorgeous park in Fitchburg, WI. Our run/walk/wheel route is the paved park path, approximately 1 mile, around the park. Park also includes plenty of free parking, playground, picnic tables, restrooms and outdoor shelter. Event will happen rain or shine!
Event schedule: 10:00am - 10:30am arrive. Pick up event bag for online pre-registered participants, or complete day-of registration. Day of registration fee $25.00 cash or check only (does not include participation medal; shirt/size not guaranteed). Purchase raffle tickets(cash).
10:45am Welcome
11:00am Tike Hike - ages 6 and under with&without SB. Cheer on our kiddos and celebrate their independence as they walk/wheel for a short segment of paved path. Great photo opportunity. Perfect for all mobility devices (wheelchair, walker, zipzac)
11:15am Fun Run / Wheel Departs
11:25am Fun Walk / Wheel Departs
When you return we'll have our refreshments, time to socialize & announce raffle prize winners.
We are encouraging families to bring their own picnic lunches, enjoy the picnic tables, playground and each other's company.
DETAILS FOR COMPLETING ONLINE REGISTRATION: The process can be confusing for first timers. Please read these tips so you know what to expect as you click through and complete your registration. We are happy you will be joining us!
  • Volunteers are needed from 8:30am to 10:30am. The first 10 adult registrations willing to volunteer with set-up and registration tasks can participate in the event for FREE! To take advantage of this offer, do not complete on-line registration. Instead, click on this link to email Kathy at Spina Bifida Wisconsin and provide your contact information and shirt size. We will delete this option when we've accepted 10 people. This is a great way to save money and still be able to join family and friends for the event! THIS OPTION IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
  • You will be asked to create an account using your email address. It is easy to register your entire group at the same time by clicking "add another registrant"
  • Please register everyone attending ages 0 to 100. It is essential for the event liability insurance to have record of everyone present at the event. Bracelets will be distributed to, and worn by, all paid attendees identifying you as part of our event
  • You will be asked "does this person have spina bifida" for each person you register. This helps us build our data-base of who we serve.
    Infants 3 and under are free -- please still complete the registration for this age group
  • Early bird registration $15.00 / person 4 years and up includes event bracelet, participation medal, shirt, fun run/wheel or walk/wheel event and refreshments.
  • After April 1, fee increases to $20.00 / person - this includes event bracelet, participation medal, shirt, fun run/wheel or walk/wheel event and refreshments.
  • You will be asked about becoming a fund-raiser. This is an optional opportunity to spread the word about the event, fund-raise using a special online link, upload a photo, name your fundraiser, and set a fundraising goal. Everyone raising or donating $250.00 or more, by deadline for on-line registration (4/14/19), will be recognized and printed on the back of our event shirts
  • On-line registration closes at midnight on April 14th
  • A confirmation email will be sent via run sign-up showing you've completed the registration process. Check your email "promotions" tab and spam folder if it doesn't show up in your inbox
  • On-line donation page will remain open midnight on April 28th. All donors will receive a thank you email via run sign-up acknowledging their tax-deductible donation
  • Detailed event information will be emailed through run sign-up in the days leading up to our event. We will also post information on our Facebook page.
  • Day-of the event registration on April 27th is an option. Price increases to $25.00 - participation medal not included; and shirt / shirt-size not guaranteed. A limited number of shirts will be available for distribution day-of our event. CASH / CHECK ONLY paid at the park 10:00am-10:30am.

    Thank you for supporting Spina Bifida Wisconsin and joining us for our inaugural run / walk / wheel on April 27, 2019.


McKee Farms Park
2930 Chapel Valley Rd
Fitchburg, WI US 53711

Walk Contact Info

If you have any questions about this walk, please contact the walk director at



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