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Barkie Birkie

Thu February 20, 2025 Hayward, WI 54843 US Directions

Skijor Races

5K Skijor

Open to ages 13+.

3K Skijor

Open to ages 13+.

1K Fun Skijor

Open to ages 13+.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Main St
Hayward, WI US 54843


Skijoring combines cross country skiing with dog power. The skier is attached to his/her dog with a belt and towline. The dog then runs ahead as the skier skis. Skijoring is a team sport which allows both human and canine counterparts to exercise and enjoy the great outdoors.

Skijoring is derived from the Norwegian word skikjøring meaning ski driving. The sport has been around for hundreds of years and originally started using reindeer and wooden skis.

Most medium size dogs (30 pounds and up) who are trained properly can be candidates for skijoring.

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