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Real Freedom Races-Breaking the Chains of Human Trafficking

Sat August 5, 2023 Necedah, WI 54646 US Directions


901 N Harvey Street
Necedah, WI US 54646


Join us for our 11th Annual run/walk on a fun, flat, road course to break the chains of human trafficking! Our event includes a guaranteed T-shirt, awards, and cool SWAG for all registrations paid by July 5th. This year we are excited to once again offer a day of family fun! 

This great event includes a 5k run/walk,10k run/walk, Half Marathon run, with Virtual Options for all races, including a Virtual Race Series for all our regular distances…AND NEW THIS YEAR…your chance to take the mission on your very own Marathon journey with the addition of the virtual Marathon for our long distance freedom fighters! Mission Medals and SWAG for race finishers, door prizes, great atmosphere with music, optional Lions Club Pancake Breakfast for a small charge, an amazing Craft/Vendor Fair, and, as always, a few surprises! 

All proceeds raised go to anti-trafficking organizations! This year we are supporting: The Zeteo Community of Madison area, The Inner Beauty Center of Milwaukee, and Project Rescue our international arm for freedom. 

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