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Sun February 14 - Sun February 28 Onalaska, WI 54650 US


You or your family/group can sign up for this winter VIRTUAL Event! 

Run, Walk or Trek - February 14th - 28th!
Helping raise much needed funds while enjoying a run, walk, or snowshoe trek; wherever you are!
The race fees & all donations directly go to Charles & Kelly Johnston to help with the mounting expenses of fighting Charles' Leukemia and transplant.
Register EARLY to guarantee your Charles Strong VIRTUAL 5K Run/Walk/Trek T-shirt! (T-shirts are guaranteed & included with your registration fee, if registered by Sunday, January 31st!)
*T-shirt pick-up will be on Saturday, February 13th at the Great River Landing Parking Lot (Across From David Reay's Restaurant!) From 9:00am - Noon! {If you are out of town or cannot make the T-Shirt Pick-up time,  we would welcome an additional donation for the shipping cost of your T-shirt!}


Fundraiser Website

Additional Fundraiser information can be found at

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If you have any questions about this Fundraiser, click the button below.


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