Port Washington, WI US 53074
The TJMS Jaguar Jam 2k/5k Color Run/Walk is a family-friendly fundraiser to help the Jaguar Parent Group (JPG) raise money to support students and teachers at Thomas Jefferson Middle School in Port Washington, Wisconsin. In the past, funds raised by JPG have helped to support and enhance the educational experience for TJ Middle School, though support of field trips, events and educational materials, funding for teacher appreciation events, and community building with students, teachers and parents.
This year’s Jaguar Jam Color Run/Walk has an ambitious fundraising goal. The teacher’s lounge at TJ Middle School is small, old and woefully lacking in many key features. The Jaguar Parent Group believes that our teachers deserve an updated space to gather, collaborate and refuel themselves. We are hoping that this year’s Jaguar Jam Color Run/Walk will help to provide the funds for a teachers lounge refresh, with new furniture, appliances and a fresh coat of paint.
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