3rd Annual Cacapon State Park 5K Run/Walk
Berkeley Springs, WV US 25411
The Berkeley Springs cross-country teams would like to invite you to our 3rd Annual Cacapon Resort State Park 5K Run/Walk at the Cacapon Resort State Park.
This is a beautiful, yet challenging course. The race starts with a steep incline before leveling off. The second and third mile feature nice hills along with paths of the park.
We would like to thank Valley Health for sponsoring this event.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Day Schedule
Race Day Check In: 7:30 am-8:15 am
Open Race 5K Start: 8:30 am
Awards Immediately following the race.
Course Information
This is a beautiful, yet challenging course. The race starts with a steep incline before leveling off and a downhill section to the 1-mile mark. The second- and third-mile feature nice hills along the paths of the park. Click on the image below for course map and elevation profile.
Awards for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd overall male and female.
We strongly encourage athlete families and Fun Run/Walk Open Race participants to park in the picnic area.
2022 Results
Click HERE for 2022 results.