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The Virtual Trek Across West Virginia

Mon July 6 - Sun October 4 Charleston, WV 25309 US


Charleston, WV US 25309


RunWage is hosting a new and exciting virtual challenge to make your summer more active - travel across the great state of WV!

To get this done on time, it only requires a little over 3.2 miles per day.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Register and invite your friends to the challenge.

Step 2: Enter and track your mileage progress inside the "Results" page above.

Step 3: Continue to kick ass all summer long until you've covered the entire state of WV virtually!

*Note: Participants will be able to log/track their progress on the interactive map below, either through a desktop browser or inside the RunWage app under "Virtual Challenges." Download RunWage Here.


Here are the rules:

  1. Multiple entries per day ARE ALLOWED.
  2. No ellipticals, but treadmills are ok.
  3. Normal daily activities do not count. These need to be workout miles. If you are going out for a speed walk workout, running or walking your dog, then that can count, but daily walking around the house or mowing your grass does not.  
  4. You can complete the mileage in as many sessions as it takes, but must be completed by the last day of the challenge.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

MapMyRun Map


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