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Be Kind To Your Mind 5K Run/Walk

Sat June 21, 2025 Directions


Be Kind To Your Mind 5K Run/Walk (12 and younger)

$20 $15 7:30AM MDT - 10:00AM MDT Price increases after May 23, 2025 at 11:59pm MDT
Open to ages 12 and under.

Be Kind To Your Mind 5K Run/Walk (13 and up)

$30 $25 7:30AM MDT - 10:00AM MDT Price increases after May 23, 2025 at 11:59pm MDT
Open to ages 13+.


Cross Roads Adventure Playground, built by Rotary, off of North Poplar Street

Early packet pick up at the Iris Clubhouse


It is that time of year again! This year our 5K Family Run/Walk will be in town at the Crossroads Adventure Playground, 1081 N Poplar Street. All proceeds of the Be Kind To Your Mind Run/Walk benefit Iris Clubhouse of Casper, a working community for adults with mental illness. Visit our website,, to learn about our mission and Clubhouse!

Early registration is available until May 31st and includes a $5 discount and guaranteed t-shirt size. Online registration will be open until June 21st. T-Shirt size will not be guaranteed if you sign up after May 31st. Please note that ONLY THE FIRST 100 registrants will receive a T-Shirt/grab bag. 

*Leashed dogs are always welcome on the pathway! But, make sure you clean up after your furry family member!

*Strollers are welcome! Please remember to share the pathway with other participants!

*Packet pickup will be held Friday, June 20th, from 4 pm until 6 pm at Iris Clubhouse (239 E. H St) or Saturday, June 21st, starting at 7 am before the race begins at 7:30am. 

Please get in touch with us at with any questions! See you at the race!


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Cross Roads Adventure Playground, built by Rotary, off of North Poplar Street

Early packet pick up at the Iris Clubhouse


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