Become a CASA
A child with a CASA/GAL volunteer is half as likely to re-enter the foster care system.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) that advocates for the best interest of the child when involved in foster care or other need court cases. The CASA volunteer’s role is one of a reporter to the Court and that of impartial observer, conducting the investigation as the Judge would if time permitted. The volunteer is not entitled to present a case, call witnesses, examine or cross-examine witnesses. His/her role is to function as investigator and monitor, working directly for the Judge. The CASA volunteer submits a written report to the Court and may testify if called as a witness. In order to do this, the CASA must investigate the facts of the case, recommend a course of action to the Court, facilitate the resolution of problems and monitor progress toward established goals.
There is always a need for CASA volunteers in Carson City. Learn more at: