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Race Day Schedule

Packet Pickup Date & Time

  • Race Day - April 27 7:00AM - 7:45AM
    • Wild Dunes Swim Center 
    • 5881 Palmetto Dr
    • Isle of Palms, SC 29451


7AM - Chip Pick Up, Body Marking, & Transition Opens - all athletes MUST pick up their chip and get body marked on race morning!

7:45AM - Transition area closes - all athletes must be cleared out of transition by 7:45AM

8AM - Race Starts - Athletes will start in a time trial fashion with swimmers starting approximately every 5-10 seconds by age groups.  There will be a brief break between age groups to allow areas of the course to clear.  We will start with the oldest age group, and work our way down to the 6 year olds. 

10:30AM - All athletes are finished and awards presentation begins

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