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How can I change my distance...? 

Before race day – you can change your distance by emailing

At Packet Pick Up – please tell the volunteer that you would like to change. We will make a note and get you set up with the new distance. Depending on bib supplies you may still receive your original bib, that will not affect your results.

On Race Day – if you decide to change distances, please inform a race official at the packet pick up table. We need to make an adjustment in our system to help us manage the course and know where our runners are.  

Where do I get my shirt?   

After you pick up your bib your shirt size will be written on the back of your Bib. You will be directed to the next tent to pick up your shirt. You must take the shirt size you selected when you registered. No Exchanges before the race. If you do not pick up your shirt before the race begins we cannot guarantee the size you selected will be available.

Why is my bib a different color? 

The bibs are different colors to help race officials know who is entering the finish area and for what distance. If you change distances, your bib might change to collate with the new distance. That will not affect your results.
Here is the breakdown:  

Blue: Half    Greenish: 5K    Orange: 10k     RED: Marathon

Where is the timing chip? I don’t need/want to be timed? 

Your timing chip is on the back of your bib. Do not bend your bib/timing chip. Everyone is timed. Results will be available after the race for you to check or not. If you don’t care about your time, don’t worry about it. If you do => Your bib MUST be on the front of your body.  

Starting Line 


What time does the race start and where? What distance? 

Marathon & Half Marathon – 7am 

10K & 5K - 10am 

Is there a gear check?  

A space will be designated for bags to be left by participants. A volunteer will be assigned to keep an eye on the area but the YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Do not leave valuables! Your best bet is to keep your things in your vehicle while you run.

Half & Full/10K & 5K –Gear check will be available after 6:00am.  Please clearly mark your name and bib number on your bag. You are responsible to provide a bag for items you choose to leave behind.

Do not check anything valuable in the gear check. The YMCA is not responsible for lost, stolen gear or broken gear.


Course & Aid Station Information 


Where are the Water/Aid Stations & bathrooms on the course? Water/Aid Stations: 

These will be located along the full marathon course approximately every 3 miles through mile 20. Bathrooms are located near each Aid station and at the start and finish areas. 

5k -One

10k - 2 aid stations

Half - 6 aid stations

Full - 9 Aid Stations

Nutrition Products provided by GU. Each Station will have an assortment of Gels and Chews. If there is something that works best for you we recommend you bring it yourself and carry it with you.

Is the course well marked?   

Yes, you can pick up a map to review the course or find a digital copy on our website. More written instructions are available online under the course info tab. Make sure to follow the course and not the runners in front of you; there are 4 courses and lots of people. There are arrows posted along the course, chalk in some spots as well as A-frame signs. Please ask for help at aid stations or other volunteers along the course. It is your responsibility to understand the course.  

What if I want to change distances mid race?  

If you decide to change distances mid race it’s okay. Please tell a volunteer at the registration tent as soon as you finish. Share your bib number and what distance you will finish. Then when you arrive at the finish line please find a race official and tell them which distance you changed to so we can update your profile in our system. This helps us know who is on the course and when we have all the runners in.  

Are dogs welcome?  

NO! Unfortunately because of our connection with Boise State and for the safety of everyone, we ask to not have dogs as a part of this event. Exceptions are only made for documented service animals. 


Finish Line Celebration 


Is there food & recovery available?  

All participants will have access to the Idaho Baked Potato Bar at the finish line with all the fix’ns to dress up your potato.  

Who gets a medal?  

All finishers get a medal! 5K & 10K get the same medal and the half marathoners and full marathoners get a custom medal with the distance on the neck ribbon. We will have challenge coins for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd age group winners in the Men’s and Women’s Category.

Where do I find the results?   

Results will be available by scanning QR codes located at the Registration tent, on your bib, and scattered around the venue.

Where do I pick up my award?  

Awards will be available at the Announcer’s tent in the Finish Line celebration area. We start announcing as soon as results are available. We do age groups awards and overall awards. We encourage everyone to stay for the music and more at the finish line celebration. If you leave before you receive your award we will contact you or feel free to email us at

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