1 Mile Course Details:
Course begins at Julia Davis Band Shell, head east on greenbelt, turn right at Friendship Bridge, at BSU Turn right after crossing bridge, continue west on greenbelt, continue past BSU, head under Capital Blvd, go left off the green belt and right onto Old 8th Street Wooden Bridge running through Ann Frank Memorial, then head east again to the finish.
1Mile run - Start at 9:45am
5K Course Details:
Course begins at Julia Davis Band Shell, head
east on greenbelt, turn right onto Broadway
Bridge, Turn right after crossing the bridge,
continue west on greenbelt, continue past
BSU, head under Capital Blvd, go left off the
green belt and right onto Ann Morrison
Bridge, then head east again to the finish.
5K run - Start at 10am
5 Mile Course Details:
Course begins at Julia Davis Band shell, head east on greenbelt, go past municipal park, take a short tour through municipal park for a little out and back, then return to the green belt, continue past water treatment plant, follow along golf course, turn south onto Orange Bridge. Turn right after crossing bridge, continue west on greenbelt, continue past BSU, head under Capital Blvd, go left off the green belt and right onto Old 8thStreet Wooden Bridge running through Ann FrankMemorial, then head east again to
the finish.
5 Mile run — Start at 10am