Team Information
Join us virtually starting June 28th-July 24
We are wanting to keep our participants safe and healthy and decided to make this event virtual for 2021. However, we are excited to grow our virtual teams this year. Last year was a success, let’s make this year even better! You can form a virtual team and run separate or with groups that adhere to state and federal COVID safety guidelines and recommendations
You can do a “virtual relay race” with a group. You can have 4 in a group or more, you can clock your times and challenge your team or just encourage each other to get up and run. Doing a virtual relay race is simple, make a team plan to call, text or zoom the next team member after you have finished your race and let them know it’s their turn. You don’t have to do it on the same days. Have a zoom party after everyone is done and share destinations, stories and celebrate.
Businesses, organizations, clubs, families, neighbors and friends are encouraged to form teams. You register by setting up a Group or Team and create a team name or use your business/organization name and have folks register under that particular name. Once you get your team formed, you can choose a team leader to send out weekly team emails/texts with updates, challenges and get your group excited.
Here are some fun ideas for teams:
*Announce new members to your team as they register.
*Encourage folks to sign up through fun updates & weekly emails and/or team texts.
*Create incentives and awards for team members with the most activity in the challenge.
*Have a theme, have team members dress up in theme/team gear. Have them take photos and selfies and send to PCAK @ and have them posted on social media and the Run/Walk website.
**Tracking times are not the most important, we encourage participation! Whether you run or walk does not make a difference, your participation makes a difference in child abuse prevention efforts!