WHAT IS A VIRTUAL MOON RACE? A virtual race is similar to a traditional running/cycling race except the participant completes it anywhere they choose either with friends or on their own, by walking/running/cycling or indoors by use of a treadmill or elliptical machine. A virtual race creates positive motivation by awarding the participant for his/her completed activity at every stage of the race.
HOW DOES A VIRTUAL RACE WORK? You enter the event online just like any other event (see signup below). The participant may choose to run, walk, hike or bike. Compete indoors (ideal if in lockdown) or outside. You will receive a login and a race number (Bib). Every time you run/walk/hike or bike you can log your miles/kilometers at your login on our website. All of the miles/kilometers count towards the virtual race. You have a set time to complete the event, for our moon race it is January 1st, 2021 - December 31st, 2021. Once you complete each stage (22 check points in total) you will earn a badge and get regular emails explaining how you or your team are doing, where you are and how far you still have to go. When you complete the full distance you will earn the official 2021 finisher medal. We understand that many of our participants have different fitness levels. For those that need a little extra time you can also break up your distance into manageable segments. Just make sure you add the full time when submitting your final results.
IS THERE A MINIMUM AGE TO COMPLETE A VIRTUAL RACE? Currently we have no limitations on age. We actually encourage all ages to take on our challenges and complete them.
DO I HAVE TO COMPLETE THE ENTIRE VIRTUAL RACE DISTANCE ALL AT ONCE? You may choose to compete to win or simply check point to checkpoint, pace yourself you have a full year, if you choose to join a team of 5 or 10 your team will finish faster than if you do it alone. This Virtual Challenge is for everyone no matter what fitness level. Whether you are an avid runner, walker, hiker or cyclist or you just walk your dog once a day, you can still be part of this epic event.
HOW DO I SUBMIT MY RESULTS FOR THE VIRTUAL RACE? Once you complete your workout, simply log your time/distance an submit. This Virtual Challenge is based mainly on the honor system for submitting your results. However, to qualify for one of the top three prizes in any category you will need to log your time officially with a recognized device (fitbit, i-watch, strava or similar (complete list TBA) all these times will be verified by our judges prior to announcing official winners.
WHAT GOODIES DO I GET WHEN I ENTER? Your entry fee includes an official "Race Kit:"
1) Lunar Fitted Race Shirt: (available in mens and women's sizes)
2) Space shield (neck and face protection against so much)
3) Custom Race bib: your official race number
4) Space Snack: a freeze dried ice cream to give you a little jet fuel
WHEN DO I RECEIVE MY FINISHER MEDAL? Once you have completed the complete race you will be mailed your official finishers medal and certificate of completion.
IF I AM A WINNER WHEN WILL I KNOW? Our judges will need a few days after the last day of the race to verify all the winners. Once verified all winners will be notified and mailed their trophies. An official list of winners will be published. The first place individual winner will get to place his or her national flag on the finish line. This image will be posted on our website with full bragging rights to them.
WHAT NATIONALITIES ARE ALLOWED REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT? We welcome and encourage every nationality worldwide to enter this event. Remember the overall winner will get to plant his or her countries flag at the finish line.