This page includes some of the frequently asked questions we've received about the event and will be updated with additional questions as they come in. If you can't find the answer to a question simply click HERE and complete the form or click the "Contact This Race" button at the bottom of the page. We'll get back to you within 24 to answer your question.
- Who is putting on this race?
- Negative Split Productions, an event production company based out of Houston, Texas, is organizing the Run My City Virtual Events. For more information about Negative Split Production visit https://www.mynegativesplit.com/about.
- Who is this race benefiting?
- Proceeds from event registrations (plus an additional donations and funds raised) will be going to a food bank located in the city you select to compete in. For a full list of beneficiaries visit https://runsignup.com/Race/Donate/91507/TopCharities. You can click each charity to find out more information about the communities they serve.
- How far do I have to run?
- Once registered you'll set your own goal. We recommend setting a difficult but attainable goal you can complete within a month or so.
- When will my race items be mailed?
- Race items will be mailed out on the 1st of each month starting August 1st with the final shipment will be going out on January 1st. To be included in the monthly shipment, you just need to be registered by the last day of the preceding month. For example, if you register on July 31st your shirt and race bib will be mailed on August 1st and if you register on August 2nd your race items will be mailed on September 1st.
- When are donations made to the food banks?
- Donations and funds raised by runners will be sent to the food banks weekly. Proceeds from event registrations will be sent to the food banks each month after the monthly shipments have been processed. We'll be keeping track of all the funds raised at https://runsignup.com/Race/Donate/91507/TopCharities.
- How do I submit my results?
- To submit your results or enter your daily running totals visit https://runsignup.com/Race/Results/91507. You'll need to be logged in to the RunSignUp account you used when registering to ensure everything is synced up properly.