2022 UNBOUND Gravel FAQ
I received an email regarding my 2020/2021 deferred entry, but having trouble registering for the 2022 event.
Make sure you are logged into the RunSignUp profile matching your First, Last name and email address used when you deferred your entry. The system is setup to only allow participants who are on the list to gain entry into the registration. Also, if you have registered multiple people using the same email address it might not allow you to gain entry. If this happens please email Treva at unboundgravel@ltevents.zendesk.com and I can trouble shoot to get you signed up.
I didn't receive my email regarding my 2020/2021 deferral.
Please email unboundgravel@ltevents.zendesk.com and I can verify you were added to the email list and also see if you were unsubscribed from Life Time email distro list. If at anytime you unsubscribed from any Life Time email, you will no longer receive any email regarding Life Time Clubs or events you registered for. I can correct but adding you back into our system.
When I try to register the system will not allow me to register for the distance I want to ride.
The system only recognizes the distance you deferred. So if you deferred your 100 entry you are only allowed to register for the 100 event. Please go ahead and register for the distance you deferred and if you still wish to change, please email unboundgravel@ltevents.zendesk.com.