Series Leaderboard

Male Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Grayson Westfall Male 18 Winchester, VA US 1,993
2 Jonathan Dixon Male 36 Stephens City, VA US 1,990
3 Anthony Cadle Male 17 Strasburg, VA US 1,989
4 Ryan Gorman Male 39 Front Royal, VA US 1,982
5 Benedict Siegel Male 17 Front Royal, VA US 1,980
6 Ethan Pratt-Perez Male 13 Winchester, VA US 1,972
7 Jeremy Sanders Male 43 Stephens City, VA US 1,969
8 Jackson Mundey Male 14 Berkeley Springs, WV US 1,964
9 Mario Zuniga Male 55 Front Royal, VA US 1,952
10 Tim Elliott Male 32 Winchester, VA US 1,951

Female Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Megan Hansen Female 40 Middletown, VA US 2,000
2 Katie Borland Female 18 Winchester, VA US 1,990
3 Emily Warner Female 35 Winchester, VA US 1,981
4 Gabrielle Leach Female 29 Stephens City, VA US 1,969
5 Laura Bergmann Female 37 Winchester, VA US 1,966
6 Tammy Rector Female 27 Winchester, VA US 1,964
7 Becky McGraw Female 40 Stephens City, VA US 1,958
8 Belle Harvey Female 16 Berkeley Springs, WV US 1,953
9 Rachel Shirley Female 42 Harpers Ferry, WV US 1,947
10 H. Phillips Female 12 76 Cirrus Way, 1,939

Male 1-10 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 C. Yoder Male 9 Winchester, VA US 1,999
2 B. Ellis Male 10 Bluemont, VA US 1,998
3 R. Bowen Male 9 Strasburg, VA US 1,991
4 O. Duke Male 7 Bentonville, VA US 1,988
5 R. Ferber Male 6 Gerrardstown, WV US 1,974
6 C. Kersey Male 9 Berryville, VA US 1,974
7 R. Mckinney Male 10 Martinsburg, WV US 1,974
8 C. Duncan Male 5 Bluemont, VA US 1,963
9 H. Knapek Male 10 Bentonville, VA US 1,574
10 A. Carter Male 8 Strasburg, VA US 1,573

Female 1-10 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 M. Rice Female 9 Winchester, VA US 1,997
2 W. Duke Female 9 Bentonville, VA US 1,997
3 S. Pratt-Perez Female 9 Winchester, VA US 1,985
4 M. Enochs Female 8 Cross Junction, VA US 1,596
5 C. Duncan Female 8 Williamsburg, VA US 1,581
6 E. Sherrard Female 9 HEDGESVILLE, US 1,192
7 L. Hickson Female 9 Front Royal, VA US 796
8 A. Oliver Female 10 Winchester, VA US 793
9 A. House Female 6 Leesburg, VA US 792
10 T. Perry Female 10 Harpers Ferry, WV US 790

Male 11-13 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Ethan Pratt-Perez Male 13 Winchester, VA US 2,000
2 Dylan McGraw Male 13 Stephens City, VA US 1,996
3 W. Yoder Male 11 Winchester, VA US 1,990
4 Tyler DeWarf Male 13 Gore, VA US 1,981
5 T. Debela Male 11 Stephenson, VA US 1,979
6 U. Duke Male 11 Bentonville, VA US 1,977
7 Brody Morgan Male 13 Middletown, VA US 1,972
8 B. Rockwell Male 12 Cross Junction, VA US 1,966
9 G. Bowen Male 11 Strasburg, VA US 1,948
10 C. Sejas Male 12 Edinburg, VA US 1,939

Female 11-13 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 H. Phillips Female 12 76 Cirrus Way, 2,000
2 P. Walker Female 11 Winchester, VA US 1,994
3 M. Matveeva Female 12 Flint Hill, VA US 1,991
4 E. Warren Female 12 Winchester, VA US 1,989
5 Tessa Heffron Female 13 Purcellville, VA US 1,970
6 Adeline Wallin Female 13 Stephens City, VA US 1,969
7 R. Oliver Female 12 Winchester, VA US 1,965
8 R. Lessard Female 12 Cross JunctionJunction, VA US 1,957
9 L. Zaraszczak Female 12 Stephens City, VA US 1,955
10 Rebecca Stout Female 13 WINCHESTER, VA US 1,955

Male 14-16 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Jackson Mundey Male 14 Berkeley Springs, WV US 2,000
2 Aiden Carpenter Male 14 Berkeley Springs, WV US 1,995
3 Joshua Horton Male 14 Winchester, VA US 1,978
4 Jerome Siegel Male 14 Front Royal, VA US 1,974
5 Adam Zaraszczak Male 16 Stephens City, VA US 1,970
6 Keith Jr Lessard Male 15 Cross JunctionJunction, VA US 1,945
7 Timothy DeVeling Male 15 Berkeley Springs, WV US 1,587
8 Logan Westfall Male 14 Winchester, VA US 1,581
9 Ben Freilich Male 14 Winchester, VA US 1,572
10 Pierce Francis Male 15 Winchester, VA US 1,198

Female 14-16 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Emma Ahrens Female 15 Stephens City, VA US 1,994
2 Belle Harvey Female 16 Berkeley Springs, WV US 1,994
3 Grace Zadnik Female 16 Edinburg, VA US 1,979
4 Lillian Lovelace Female 14 Winchester, VA US 1,978
5 Maria Sudlow Female 16 Strasburg, VA US 1,971
6 Ariel Jacob Female 14 Front Royal, VA US 1,963
7 Bridgette Matveeva Female 14 Flint Hill, VA US 1,961
8 Rebecca Logan Female 14 Stephenson, VA US 1,957
9 Chelsea Martin Female 15 Winchester, VA US 1,956
10 Emma Westfall Female 14 Winchester, VA US 1,948

Male 17-19 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Grayson Westfall Male 18 Winchester, VA US 1,999
2 Anthony Cadle Male 17 Strasburg, VA US 1,996
3 Benedict Siegel Male 17 Front Royal, VA US 1,994
4 Jimmy Burdock Male 17 Stephens City, VA US 1,984
5 Ricky Holmes Male 17 Front Royal, VA US 1,577
6 Lucas Williams Male 18 Winchester, VA US 1,187
7 Patrick Northrup Male 19 Winchester, VA US 797
8 Johnathan Cardoso Male 17 Woodstock, VA US 793
9 Silas Pearson Male 17 Stephens City, VA US 790
10 Casey Ehlers Male 17 Rileyville, VA US 788

Female 17-19 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Katie Borland Female 18 Winchester, VA US 2,000
2 Olivia Merchant Female 17 Warrenton, VA US 1,995
3 Allison Berg Female 19 Bunker Hill, WV US 797
4 America Hernandez Female 18 Cross Junction, VA US 794
5 Camryn Ubert Female 18 Stephens City, VA US 794
6 Brooklyn Swearingen Female 17 Front Royal, VA US 793
7 Imani Ross Female 17 Strasburg, VA US 792
8 Amber Gessner Female 17 STRASBURG, VA US 792
9 Alyssa Heironimus Female 17 Inwood, WV US 790
10 Paige Sinclair Female 17 Front Royal, VA US 788

Male 20-29 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Jesse Bixler Male 25 Berryville, VA US 1,999
2 Kevin Wiseman Male 27 Bluemont, VA US 1,992
3 Dylan Denter Male 24 Winchester, VA US 1,986
4 Andrew Walraven Male 23 Berryville, VA US 1,981
5 Sam Larson Male 29 Winchester, 1,976
6 Michael Eckert Male 28 Middletown, VA US 1,960
7 Peter Harrison Male 24 Boyce, 1,582
8 Patrick Casey Male 29 Winchester, VA US 1,574
9 nelson mandela Male 29 ranson, US 1,200
10 Nathan Blunk Male 28 Front Royal, VA US 1,187

Female 20-29 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Gabrielle Leach Female 29 Stephens City, VA US 1,996
2 Tammy Rector Female 27 Winchester, VA US 1,996
3 Bekah Keifer Female 29 Martinsburg, WV US 1,986
4 Tara Myers Female 28 Gore, VA US 1,985
5 Emily Snyder Female 23 Berryville, VA US 1,968
6 Jessica Rannals Female 24 Inwood, WV US 1,964
7 Katherine Hyde Female 26 Winchester, VA US 1,941
8 Casandra Burch Female 24 Inwood, 1,940
9 Angela Hollida Female 27 Hedgesville, 1,922
10 Jessica Bane Female 24 Bentonville, 1,910

Male 30-34 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Tim Elliott Male 32 Winchester, VA US 1,999
2 Sean Devolites Male 30 Winchester, VA US 1,992
3 James Schlosser Male 32 Millwood, 1,985
4 Colin Sexton Male 31 Winchester, VA US 1,964
5 Brian Collins Male 34 Winchester, VA US 1,963
6 Chris Fishel Male 31 Cross Junction, VA US 1,958
7 Adrian Elliott Male 32 Martinsburg, WV US 1,956
8 Aaron Brittain Male 34 Stephens city, 1,946
9 Chris Carr Male 30 Lake Frederick, 1,590
10 Cameron Leach Male 30 Stephens City, VA US 1,581

Female 30-34 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Carmen Schlosser Female 30 Winchester, VA US 1,995
2 Alice Shoemaker Female 30 Winchester, VA US 1,993
3 Katie LaJeunesse Connette Female 34 Front Royal, VA US 1,980
4 Brianna Riffle Female 31 Hedgesville, 1,972
5 Kaitlyn Price Female 31 Martinsburg, WV US 1,971
6 Stephanie Quinn Female 30 Stephenson, VA US 1,961
7 Holly Roberts Female 31 Woodstock, VA US 1,961
8 Kristin Hoddinott Female 34 Boyce, VA US 1,955
9 Natalia Rhoe Female 34 Martinsburg, WV US 1,951
10 Sarah Nordberg Female 33 Stephens City, VA US 1,939

Male 35-39 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Jonathan Dixon Male 36 Stephens City, VA US 1,999
2 Ryan Gorman Male 39 Front Royal, VA US 1,997
3 Charles Bowles Male 37 Boyce, VA US 1,989
4 Joel Oliver Male 35 Stephenson, VA US 1,982
5 Nikolai Matveev Male 38 Flint Hill, VA US 1,981
6 Mathew James Male 39 Stephens City, VA US 1,974
7 Kenneth Logan Male 35 Middletown, VA US 1,967
8 Jason Norton Male 39 Middletown, VA US 1,958
9 Will Whitaker Male 35 Winchester, VA US 1,952
10 Jeremy Fox Male 39 Toms Brook, VA US 1,948

Female 35-39 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Emily Warner Female 35 Winchester, VA US 1,999
2 Laura Bergmann Female 37 Winchester, VA US 1,992
3 Aida Fernandez Hernandez Female 37 Winchester, VA US 1,973
4 Amanda Carpenter Female 39 Berkeley Springd, WV US 1,958
5 Alyson Yoder Female 38 Winchester, VA US 1,954
6 Maleina Hauber Female 37 Front Royal, VA US 1,950
7 Megan Collins Female 35 Winchester, VA US 1,947
8 Emily House Female 38 Leesburg, VA US 1,944
9 Jamie Marshall Female 38 Front Royal, VA US 1,936
10 Michelle VanHorn Female 38 Harpers Ferry, WV US 1,931

Male 40-44 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Jeremy Sanders Male 43 Stephens City, VA US 1,997
2 James Rice Male 40 Winchester, VA US 1,994
3 Joseph Mullen Male 42 Winchester, VA US 1,988
4 Rich Smith Male 42 Gainesville, VA US 1,983
5 Derek Oliver Male 44 Winchester, VA US 1,969
6 Terry Ellis Male 43 Bluemont, VA US 1,967
7 Mike Legge Male 41 Stephens City, VA US 1,956
8 Andrew Ferber Male 42 Gerrardstown, WV US 1,951
9 Francois Flippen Male 43 Front Royal, VA US 1,949
10 Keith Lessard Male 44 Cross JunctionJunction, VA US 1,948

Female 40-44 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Megan Hansen Female 40 Middletown, VA US 2,000
2 Becky McGraw Female 40 Stephens City, VA US 1,993
3 Rachel Shirley Female 42 Harpers Ferry, WV US 1,992
4 Elizabeth Logan Female 44 Stephenson, VA US 1,989
5 Stacey Ellis Female 40 Bluemont, VA US 1,978
6 Amaya Perez Female 43 Winchester, VA US 1,970
7 Rebecca Johnson Female 42 Stephens City, VA US 1,963
8 Jamie Ahrens Female 42 Stephens City, VA US 1,958
9 Suzanna Jenkins Barb Female 41 Winchester, VA US 1,949
10 Meghan Fisher Female 41 Winchester, VA US 1,938

Male 45-49 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Scott Bowman Male 48 Winchester, VA US 1,999
2 Karsten Brown Male 45 Front Royal, VA US 1,998
3 James HARDEN Male 48 Martinsburg, WV US 1,988
4 Michael Shotton Male 46 Bentonville, VA US 1,987
5 brian griffin Male 45 Winchester, VA US 1,985
6 Lloyd Wright Male 47 Stephens City, VA US 1,978
7 Tye Debela Male 46 Stephenson, VA US 1,973
8 Shawn Lawson Male 48 Kearneysville, 1,967
9 Dan Blair Male 47 Middletown, VA US 1,963
10 Barry Pearson Male 47 Stephens City, VA US 1,951

Female 45-49 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Tina Genay Female 48 Winchester, VA US 1,996
2 Linda Luong Female 47 Winchester, VA US 1,988
3 Melissa Eakle Female 48 Strasburg, VA US 1,983
4 Michelle See Female 49 Boyce, 1,978
5 Jennifer Thibodeau Female 45 Winchester, VA US 1,975
6 Sarah R. Daniel Female 47 Winchester, VA US 1,965
7 Linda Staneart Female 48 Winchester, VA US 1,961
8 Sheila Yeager Female 45 Winchester, VA US 1,958
9 Kim Ogorek Female 49 Ashburn, VA US 1,958
10 Holly Ensogna Female 47 winchester, VA US 1,949

Male 50-54 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Pedro Miguel Tomas Male 50 Berkeley Springs, WV US 2,000
2 Bill Blackstone Male 53 Winchester, VA US 1,996
3 Dennis Velez Male 53 Bristow, VA US 1,992
4 Sam Miller Male 52 White Post, VA US 1,977
5 James Brewer Male 54 Winchester, VA US 1,977
6 Mark Peters Male 51 Inwood, WV US 1,971
7 Kent Staneart Male 53 Winchester, VA US 1,956
8 J.Preston Erb Male 53 Winchester, VA US 1,954
9 Joseph Walker Male 53 Winchester, VA US 1,953
10 Joseph Zaraszczak Male 50 Stephens City, VA US 1,949

Female 50-54 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Brenda Young Female 51 Cross Junction, VA US 2,000
2 Victoria Krossman Female 50 Winchester, VA US 1,996
3 Shauna Rudolph Female 50 Winchester, VA US 1,987
4 Debbie Hillyard Female 52 Winchester, VA US 1,980
5 Lorri Iden Female 54 Winchester, VA US 1,977
6 Kyra Brown Female 50 Lake Frederick, VA US 1,973
7 Kegan Morgan Female 54 Middletown, VA US 1,966
9 Debbie Jones Female 53 Woodstock, VA US 1,952
10 Debbie Albright Female 54 Martinsburg, WV US 1,950

Male 55-59 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Mario Zuniga Male 55 Front Royal, VA US 2,000
2 Vincent Langan Male 58 Warrenton, VA US 1,993
3 SCOTT PATNODE Male 56 Winchester, VA US 1,988
4 Chris Northrup Male 56 Haymarket, VA US 1,987
5 Duane Williamson Male 56 Warrenton, VA US 1,986
6 Michael Hofbauer Male 56 Front Royal, VA US 1,980
7 Terry Leckie Male 56 Front Royal, VA US 1,976
8 Guy Tomberlin Male 55 Bluemont, VA US 1,972
9 Joseph David Male 56 Warrenton, VA US 1,967
10 Brian Dougherty Male 56 Stephens City, VA US 1,963

Female 55-59 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Joyce Kenney Female 55 Linden, VA US 2,000
2 Kelly Cockrill Female 55 Purcellville, VA US 1,993
3 Tamara Hamilton Female 57 Clear Spring, MD US 1,990
4 Debbie Wiseman Female 55 Bluemont, VA US 1,980
5 Mary Eileen Haggerty Female 56 Berkeley Springs, WV US 1,969
6 Debra Shows Female 58 Hedgesville, WV US 1,963
7 Beth Demith Female 56 Martinsburg, WV US 1,957
8 Patricia Young Female 59 Leesburg, VA US 1,587
9 Paula Weiman Female 57 Winchester, VA US 1,188
10 Linda Reynolds Female 57 Boyce, VA US 1,183

Male 60-64 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Charles Cousland Male 61 Berryville, VA US 2,000
2 Herb Peddicord Male 60 Martinsburg, WV US 1,995
3 Michael Zawadzki Male 63 Boyce, VA US 1,990
4 Jim Edson Male 61 Linden, VA US 1,985
5 Gregory Olmstead Male 63 Front Royal, VA US 1,978
6 James Eakins Male 60 Front Royal, VA US 1,968
7 Chris Stephens Male 62 Front Royal, VA US 1,578
8 Mark Gribble Male 63 Berryville, VA US 1,190
9 Tim Barnhart Male 64 Linden, VA US 400
10 Mark Wisch Male 61 Front Royal, VA US 399

Female 60-64 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Rebecca Polite Female 60 Winchester, VA US 2,000
2 Dianne Wright Female 64 Winchester, VA US 1,993
3 Diane LaFever Female 64 Edinbug, VA US 1,988
4 Janice Olmstead Female 64 Front Royal, VA US 1,980
5 Gail Spangler Female 60 Bentonville, US 1,979
6 Colleen Snyder Female 63 Linden, VA US 1,973
7 carolyn wilson Female 60 Millwood, VA US 1,197
8 Valerie Storer Female 62 Winchester, VA US 1,192
9 Jeanne Patnode Female 62 Winchester, VA US 1,189
10 Valerie Gribble Female 62 Berryville, VA US 1,178

Male 65-69 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Neal Riemenschneider Male 65 Winchester, VA US 2,000
2 Moe Morris Male 67 Clear Spring, MD US 1,996
3 John Coker Male 67 Hagerstown, MD US 1,984
4 Herb Sturm Male 69 Stephens City, VA US 1,589
5 Phil Laub Male 68 front royal, VA US 1,195
6 David Parker Male 65 Round Hill, VA US 793
7 Dennis Myers Male 65 Stephens City, VA US 398
8 Denny Myer Male 65 Winchester, 398
9 Joe Dellisanti Male 69 Winchester, 398

Female 65-69 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Ginny Hughes Female 69 Warrenton, VA US 2,000
2 Doris Boyer Female 65 Hagerstown, MD US 1,996
3 Nancy Specht Female 67 Bunker Hill, WV US 1,988
4 Mary Sturm Female 69 Stephens City, VA US 1,986
5 Orysia (Irene) Deychakiwsky Female 65 Charles Town, WV US 796
6 Pamela Pampe Female 68 Winchester, 399
7 Dorothy Snow Female 69 Hedgesville, WV US 396

Male 70-74 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Ed Mayhew Male 74 Winchester, VA US 2,000
2 Tim Brown Male 70 Round Hill, VA US 1,995
3 Lee Bowen Male 73 Strasburg, VA US 1,990
4 Harry Poling Male 74 Winchester, VA US 796

Female 70-74 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Mary Mayhew Female 74 Winchester, VA US 1,997
2 Sue Nolan Female 71 Berryville, VA US 1,600
3 Susan Hoover Female 70 Winchester, VA US 798
4 Paula Golladay Female 70 Falls Church, VA US 400

Male 75-79 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Dennis Shows Male 75 Hedgesville, WV US 2,000
2 Harry Snow Male 75 Hedgesville, WV US 399

Female 75-79 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Kathy Smart Female 77 Boyce, VA US 1,600

Male 80-84 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Douglas Morris Male 81 Delaplane, VA US 800

Female 80-84 Results

Name Gender Age Hometown Points
1 Janet Hughes Female 82 Winchester, VA US 2,000

About this Race Series

SVR Winter Series

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this race series or its scoring, please use the following email address:

Included Events

SVR Winter Series
SVR Winter Series #1 South Berkeley Christmas 5K

Sunday December 8, 2019
Winchester, VA US

SVR Winter Series
SVR Winter Series #2 Jingle Bell 5k

Saturday December 21, 2019
Winchester, VA US

SVR Winter Series
SVR Winter Series #3 Pizza or Resolutions 5K

Saturday January 4, 2020
Winchester, VA US

SVR Winter Series
SVR Winter Series #4 Snowman Stampede 5 Miler

Saturday January 18, 2020
Winchester, VA US

SVR Winter Series
SVR Winter Series #5 Stickman's Tandems 5k

Saturday February 1, 2020
Winchester, VA US

SVR Winter Series
SVR Winter Series #6 Heart and Soles 5k

Saturday February 15, 2020
Winchester, VA US

SVR Winter Series
SVR Winter Series #7 Extra Day, Extra K MSV 6K

Saturday February 29, 2020
Winchester, VA US

SVR Winter Series
SVR Winter Series #8 St. Patty's Chase the Sun 5K

Saturday March 14, 2020
Winchester, VA US

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