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Let us know you're joining us in Louisville!


The Basics

RunSignup is heading out to Louisville for Running USA and we'll be on-site on Sunday for a half-day, hands-on workshop. Unlike previous Roadshows, the University edition will cover just 2-3 topics, in greater depth. For this marketing-focused edition, we'll be covering race websites, advanced analytics, and the latest industry trends.

Galt House Hotel
140 N Fourth St, Louisville, KY 40202

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Preliminary Agenda

12:00-12:15: Welcome

12:15pm-1:45pm:Workshop: Creating (or Improving) Your Event Website with Website V2 
Hands on! Have a website in mind that you're interested in transforming. This can be either a race site you want to use as your main race website, a secondary site to compliment your main race website, or an Organization (I.E. for your race management company) or Memberships website.

1:45-2:00 Break

2:00pm-3:00pm: Marketing Analytics
This session is a pre-cursor to Allison Bickel's Google Analytics GA4 presentation on Tuesday Afternoon, and will cover built-in analytics, Google Analytics, and additional tracking options.

3:00pm-3:30pm: State of the Industry: RaceTrends Review
Get a look at all the numbers from 2024!

3:30pm-5:00pm: Reception

While we encourage you to join us throughout, we know there is a lot going on at Running USA. You're welcome to stop in as time allows. Customers, non-customers, and industry friends are all welcome. 

Any questions? Contact us today!

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